Example sentences of "stand outside the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When Joseph Parker urged a radical reorganization of the Congregational Union to create a ‘ Congregational Church ’ he asked pointedly , ‘ What right has Congregationalism to stand outside the law of evolution ? ’
2 John 's wife Clare has to stand outside the stable on a crate with Milton 's tail over the top of the stable door and pull it from there , while John has him twitched at the front end .
3 ‘ Why do n't you bribe a waiter to stand outside the door ? ’ she snapped back , then stalked past him without a backward glance , acutely aware of the small smile playing at the corners of his mouth as his gaze followed her .
4 So I had to stand outside the door
5 The brothers chatted with their father Prince Charles and the Duke of Edinburgh while the family lingered in front of a crowd of around 600 who braved a cold misty Norfolk morning to stand outside the church .
6 It was incredibly eerie to stand outside the office in the pitch dark , to press a switch and immediately have the whole air field illuminated by the ghostly glow of this small searchlight , making its little patch of light on the cloud above .
7 The wall stands outside the building of the United Nations — an organisation founded after the end of the last world war to try and bring about peace between all the different countries of the world .
8 For a moment Riva stands outside the cottage , blinking in the harsh sunlight ; the air is well scoured , after the night of rain .
9 The Europeans all stand on the station veranda , while an African crowd stands outside the station beside the tracks .
10 Only a force which stands outside the manoeuvring and hostility of the struggle can hope to make any headway in furthering a particular interest .
11 A magnificent Daphne odora ‘ Aureomarginata ’ , abundant with pink buds in January , stands outside the garden door .
12 The resource person stands outside the circle .
13 The oldest ‘ object ’ in the village stands outside the post office , which incidentally has a date stone above its door inscribed 1721 .
14 I reach the landing and stand outside the door , key poised , listening .
15 Of the two famous rune stones which stand outside the church at Jelling , the smaller states that " King Gorm made these memorials to Thyre his wife , Denmark 's ornament " ; the larger that " King Harald commanded these memorials made to Gorm his father and Thyre his mother .
16 Three children , aged between four and seven , scream as uniformed East Berlin police drag them and their mother off and push them into a lorry as they stand outside the US embassy in East Berlin , hoping desperately to get inside .
17 They stand outside the shop studying the stills from the security video where the small boy can be seen walking with two other young boys .
18 We stand outside the Glass House for a moment , looking in at the dense green leaves pressing against the panes .
19 They were ‘ now missioners to those who stand outside the pale of Church and Chapel .
20 My parents would go and stand outside the Aldwych theatre just to see the audience going in to see me .
21 The Easter egg , overcome by heat , too much food , and an excess of wine , had to go and stand outside the door for a little fresh air , but came back full of verve and ready to tackle some of Willi 's bonbons that were scattered about the room in dishes in case anyone felt the need of more to eat .
22 She would rather stand outside the door all day long than face Mademoiselle when she looked like that .
23 You can stand outside the theatre every evening until further notice , trying to look inconspicuous .
24 There were several times when Joseph could stand outside the front of his inn , or on the for'ard deck of his ship , and have the time to contemplate his next manoeuvre , calm amid the storm as all the great commanders always were .
25 Also historians themselves , historians themselves ca n't actually completely stand outside the events they are actually studying .
26 They just grabbed this bloke who 's standing outside the music area , thinking he might be a musician and he is n't , but it does n't matter .
27 She 'd come out of the house and was standing outside the door .
28 Maurice was now standing outside the door with his back to the room ; one hand rested on the verandah rail and without turning round he said : ‘ Is he dead ? ’
29 Ianthe was disconcerted , even a little shocked , to see the bottles of milk still standing outside the door of her uncle 's Mayfair rectory when she arrived there to luncheon on Quinquagesima Sunday .
30 All right so why am I standing outside the door of the canteen … ?
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