Example sentences of "friend [coord] colleague [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If a friend or colleague whose opinions you respect tells you that he or she has received beneficial treatment from a particular hypnotherapist , perhaps that is the one for you to consult .
2 He next became assistant refinery manager and was then promoted to general manager over the head of a friend and colleague who was ten years older .
3 We should be careful not to look only at our friends and colleagues whose style may have been affected by the same paddle strokes that we are studying ourselves .
4 When the apostles wrote letters to their friends and colleagues they were always trying to pass on words of encouragement and the people who received these letters regarded them as precious sources of information , that is why many of the letters of Paul or John or Peter have been carefully guarded and handed down to ourselves .
5 In the absence of a well-organized party machine , it was his friends and colleagues who were called on to turn out for hurriedly organized demonstrations .
6 I told her that I had been involved in one of the IRA attacks when I had been blown up in the Brighton Bomb , and that I had friends and colleagues who had been badly hurt or killed .
7 We must constantly compare the copy with the reality shown to us by experienced paddlers and not simply look hard at a wide selection of paddlers and not simply look at our own friends and colleagues who may have been influenced by the same paddle strokes that we are studying ourselves .
8 Aim for a list that give the widest possible choice and price range ; whilst there will be friends and colleagues who will club together to buy you a present , others will want to buy something on their own .
9 But it 's no use just asking the man himself what makes him so special , it 's his friends and colleagues who have all the answers .
10 RON THACKER , BEM would like to thank all friends and colleagues who helped make his memorable day such a success .
11 BERTIE CAMERON and JIM DAVIDSON of Transport Section wish to thank all friends and colleagues who contributed to their departure gifts and wish Dounreay all the best for the future .
12 May I through the Journal , say thank you to all my friends and colleagues who contributed to my retirement present [ camcorder ] — a gift that 's much appreciated and will always remind me of my 32+ years at JS .
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