Example sentences of "on to [art] pavement " in BNC.

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1 For around £20 each we enjoyed the simple pleasures of being able to dance the Gay Gordons round a bonfire at midnight , vomit into a loch instead of on to a pavement , and stumble up hills for the remainder of the week walking off hangovers .
2 Cars tend to roll gravel on to the pavement .
3 Samantha Cullam scuttled out on to the pavement .
4 The car reels and swerves up on to the pavement , crashing into a shopfront and shattering itself and the window panes .
5 There was still a handful of people down there , identifiable only for brief seconds as they flitted through the pools of light thrown out on to the pavement from cafés and shops .
6 When her red boots stepped on to the pavement the shock which smacked into her was conveniently attributed to the cold .
7 As I drove further down the road there were computers thrown out on to the pavement and whole window frames completely blown out into the street .
8 Shards of glass were still falling 12 hours after the blast and computers had been blown on to the pavement .
9 A cold breeze was blowing in off the sea which blasted them the moment they stepped on to the pavement .
10 There was never a shortage of helpers to lift the bike up on to the pavement — over the school step and into the passage .
11 I was dragged down the hard , concrete steps on to the pavement .
12 I ran into the road , did a Highland fling and ran back on to the pavement .
13 The criminal replies , ‘ Have a look , mate ! ’ as he throws the heavy bag straight at the bobby , knocking him backwards on to the pavement .
14 The bag opens and the ‘ swag ’ from the previous night 's job spills on to the pavement : gold candlesticks , war trophies and silverware .
15 One bullet in the wrong place can cripple you for life or send your blood gushing on to the pavement .
16 He fell on to the pavement , out like a light .
17 When he got her on to the pavement , she sagged against the school wall and would not move .
18 Steve sprawled on to the pavement as Grimwood hurried down the hall .
19 She spat on to the pavement casually .
20 Chant fumbled for the handle , opened the door , and all but fell out on to the pavement .
21 At last the father fell down on to the pavement completely exhausted and convinced he was going to meet his maker there and then .
22 ‘ Rosa , ’ he said as we got out on to the pavement .
23 They were off the cinder track now , walking down a hilly street where small , dark houses opened straight on to the pavement .
24 Were brought back one early morning by a drunken cabman — his red plush waistcoat unbuttoned , white shiny hat toppling on to the pavement , when at last he delivered them .
25 Poor old long-suffering Dunbar , Aubrey thought , as Pogo climbed out on to the pavement and paid the driver .
26 Like this they bound slowly down the boulevard , with him laughing and kicking people 's hats awry as they come arcing back on to the pavement at the end of each step .
27 He kept rolling , still hanging on to his weapons , and fell over the front of the Jeep and on to the pavement outside .
28 With his other arm he wrenched the wheel to the right , forced the Audi on to the pavement and against the wall .
29 He swerved and avoided the worst of the impact , but was catapulted on to the bonnet of the car and then on to the pavement .
30 ‘ You cow , ’ cried Sam , without malice : only a few months ago she would have pressed the plum into her friend 's hair , but now she threw it on to the pavement where it lay easily among the cabbage stalks and traces of vomit .
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