Example sentences of "just walk [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I just walk through the basic moves so the cameras can plot where everybody 's going to be , and we try to work out how long people will take to walk down the stairs so we can play the right amount of music .
2 Then you can picnic , play football or cricket or just walk across the moorland and look at the sheep .
3 But she says I sometimes just walk across the road and go to the Meeting House at you know
4 Just walk down the road here to all them shops and just knock one of them off , bring the stuff back , stash it till the morning and then go and sell it to buy some gear …
5 but the procession for us is like the most boring thing because we we just walk on the Grand Place for about five minutes
6 You pull one out and whatever it says on there you 've got to pick and if there are a policeman judge victim then you just walk around the room .
7 He said , Well I thought to me self well the bloke that 's co just walk in the shop and sell five hundred bundles of fire wood , he could sell insurance .
8 Oh yeah this party tonight was really get this , this spliff right like this , yeah , just walk in the kitchen and go ras man
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