Example sentences of "two rows [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To knit a single diamond , weave two rows , knit two rows without weaving .
2 Just above this section sit two rows of increase/decrease buttons , accompanied by a single red ‘ save current setting ’ button .
3 Here Miss Wharton , as was her custom each Wednesday and Friday , would weed out the dead flowers from the vase in front of the statue of the Virgin , scrape the wax and candle stubs from the brass holders , dust the two rows of chairs in the Lady Chapel , which would be adequate for the small congregation expected at that morning 's early Mass , and make everything ready for the arrival at nine twenty of Father Barnes .
4 In place of the enlisted men 's two rows of brass buttons , it fastened with four black mohair netted frog buttons and mohair cord loops .
5 He could just make out the two rows of cottages and the fields beyond them .
6 Inside the hut , a lumbering saddleback boar was trotting along the aisle between two rows of pens , nosing the bars and grunting rhythmically .
7 There are two rows of teeth in the lower jaw , one row on the crest of the jaw ( buccal teeth ) and one row lower down on the inside ( lingual teeth ) .
8 Transfer alternate stitches and knit two rows of stocking stitch throughout , always transferring in the same direction .
9 To keep the seams as flat as possible , join the widths by overlapping the selvedges by approximately 1.5cm ( ½in ) then zig-zag two rows of stitching , each row catching a raw edge ( fig. 30 ) .
10 The one exception was the display cabinet mounted on the wall : it held two rows of Staffordshire figures ; their garish colours contrasted vividly with the muted pastels in the rest of the room .
11 Larger temples generally had one or two rows of columns in front with wide intercolumniation .
12 One type had a timber roof which was supported on two rows of columns which divided the hall into a larger , central area and two narrower , side aisles .
13 It is particularly noted for its dome with high drum , supported on pendentives and pierced with two rows of windows and crowned by a stone ribbed cupola ( 313 ) .
14 Here also are some fine Medieval façades with tall pointed gables , decoratively recessed in brick and with two rows of windows above the street arcade .
15 The top two rows of A are altered ; in particular , 2 is replaced by
16 Then knit the two blank rows in one colour , the two rows of holes in a second colour and get a lovely misty effect .
17 You could knit a whole beautiful wardrobe using this technique and it can be even more exciting if you use three or four colours by leaving two rows blank for colour one , two rows blank for colour two , two rows blank for colour three and two rows of holes for colour four .
18 I use a punchcard roll and began by punching out the customary two rows of holes for the overlapping join , only to find that the first row stretched the plastic slightly , giving a wavy edge .
19 Passengers sat on two rows of benches facing one another .
20 Hazel reached the hedge , crossed a narrow turf verge on the other side and found himself looking straight down a long , shadowy aisle between two rows of beans .
21 Two rows of aluminium prefabs look set to be preserved for the nation … as listed buildings .
22 In studying children 's ability to conserve number , when two rows of counters are initially lined up in one-to-one correspondence , the child will agree that the rows have the same number .
23 Lucy sees it first : forty pounds of barrel-chested , pink eyed albino bull terrier , charging down on Benny , bandy legs flying — white rhino in a hurry in a collar with two rows of studs .
24 In contrast , the calorimetry data reported by Vesnaver & Breslauer [ 13 ] ( bottom two rows of Table 1 ) on ‘ the contribution of DNA single-strand order to the thermodynamics of duplex formation ’ indicate that the formation of a mixed sequence 13-mer DNA duplex , is considerably more exothermic ( by a total of 255 kJ mol -1 ) than the sum of the parameters for ordering the single strands alone ( total enthalpies of -491 kJ mol -1 for duplex , and -122 and -114 kJ mol -1 for single strands , respectively ) .
25 ‘ The hospital was dark and cold and there were two rows of beds , six on either side .
26 When at last they did see him coming they had to follow his slow path from the road , watch him lean his bicycle carefully against the wall under the yew and plod slowly up between the two rows of boxwood .
27 Each band has two rows of hooks .
28 He drove round slowly , the wheels bumping over the icy cobbles , found an empty slot behind two rows of cars under the lee of the Munster , drove into it .
29 But ha I remember I was on my test and I pulled round er it was very , very busy and there were two rows of cars and I pulled up and I thought right there 's a gap down there and I want to go straight on and all these others were turning le turning right so I squeezed down through the gap and then I thought right I 'm gon na be here a little while shall I put it in neutral , blow no I wo n't .
30 The upper horizon of the site showed an arrangement of two rows of features , including the shallow basin-floors of huts , hearths , storage pits and walk-in wells ; it gave several C dates on charcoal of 8,100–8,000yrBP .
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