Example sentences of "miner ' strike [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It must have been the time of the miners ' strike and the three-day week , though the chronology is all a blur now .
2 Music is meant to be about escapism , not dreary boring subjects like the miners ' strike and animal rights .
3 The NMA leadership and many rank-and-file members became increasingly disenchanted with MFGB strategy during the 1920 national miners ' strike and the 1921 lockout , and less than a third of Nottinghamshire miners bothered to vote in a 1921 ballot on whether to accept the offered settlement or continue the dispute ( Griffin , 1962 , p.91 , p.102 ) .
4 To return to the fortunes of the government : between February and October , the minority Labour government settled the miners ' strike and abolished the Pay Board .
5 The miners ' strike and the three-day week .
6 We do n't cover a great deal of the M one but it 's something like fourteen miles but that was about the time of the miners ' strike as well so I was on traffic when that was on and we had these intercept boys who were working something like thirteen hour shifts for about a year .
7 Jimmy Knapp , left-wing leader of the National union of Railwaymen believes that his members had a ‘ genuine ’ interest in the miners ' strike because pit closures would mean fewer coal trains .
8 He was still interested in politics , and for a while a fairly active member of the Labour party , especially during the miners ' strike when he and Solowka canvassed on their behalf .
9 The miners ' strikes that have paralysed about one-third of Soviet pits are slowly breaking backbone industries , such as steel , gas and chemicals .
10 Heath 's revived corporatism in the early 1970s crumpled with the miners ' strikes and the OPEC price explosion , while the Labour government of the late 1970s was able only to breathe intermittent life into a system of corporate direction which powerful producer-groups and multinational companies in the so-called ‘ meso-economy ’ were both undermining .
11 Over 1,000,000 days ' work were lost due to strikes in the first quarter of 1991 , a figure exceeded in the second quarter under the combined impact of continuing miners ' strikes and protest strikes against price increases .
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