Example sentences of "heavily influence by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Gower , when 7 , was given not-out to a caught-behind appeal against Mushtaq , and substitute Rashid Latif suddenly took off down the middle of the pitch like some Keystone Kop , arms waving , perhaps stung by a bee or heavily influenced by a certain West Indies captain who patented an onfield war-dance .
2 Although neither have been cited directly in the text , the philosophical ideas in this chapter have been heavily influenced by the work of Jerry Fodor and Zenon Pylyshyn .
3 Even the widespread belief that decisions on industrial location are ( or were before the introduction of the uniform business rate ) heavily influenced by the level of local taxation has been undermined by a series of research reports ( including Crawford , Fothergill and Monk ( 1985 ) which was commissioned by the Department of the Environment ) .
4 The Victorian poet Algernon Swinburne lived a tortured sex life , heavily influenced by the beatings he received at Eton ( where it was said the boys were required to sprinkle eau de cologne on themselves before the canings began ) .
5 The strong ‘ New York Mix ’ , with its vocals that shimmer through in a Robert Owens-style haze , is a step up for dub house garage and is matched by a gently acidic , dubbier epic and a ‘ Detroit Mix ’ with an intro and a forest of familiar sounds from someone heavily influenced by the dextrous inventions of Derrick May .
6 Check the fashion student who has obviously been far too heavily influenced by the recent Abba revival — Benny goes porno !
7 It is noticeable , however , that the shift came nowhere near eradicating disparities in regional employment opportunities which were heavily influenced by the high degree of concentration of the old staple industries : thus , at the extremes , unemployment in London and the South-East was 56% of the UK rate in 1973 and in the North 174% .
8 WESTERN notions of the martial arts have been heavily influenced by the film industry .
9 If the problems requiring analysis are thus quite novel , the Marxist toolkit available for constructing a response has remained heavily influenced by the three approaches to the state articulated in Marx and Engels ' own work , namely , the instrumental , arbiter and functionalist models ( see pp. 208–11 ) .
10 According to anthropologists and linguists most heavily influenced by the romantic movement , they were the sole creators and carriers of culture even among European groups .
11 While in the United States in the 1890s he had been heavily influenced by the Populist and Democratic Parties ' assault on the Gold Standard .
12 He writes : ‘ It seems to me that a great number of our explicit or implicit theories , our methods and preferences are heavily influenced by the very long traditions of analyzing mainly , or only , certain kinds of written language .
13 The way a group is run will be heavily influenced by the personal characteristics and style of the therapists involved .
14 The neo-conceptualism of the Goldsmiths ' artists has been heavily influenced by the dominating intellectual presences there , Thompson and the artist Michael Craig-Martin , both of whom have now left .
15 The report was seen , therefore , as essentially practical though it was heavily influenced by the corporate planning theories advocated through the Institute of Local Government Studies and elsewhere .
16 In each context , the major international instrument is a Convention elaborated under the aegis of the Hague Conference on Private International Law ; these conventions have attracted the support of many of the States most involved in international trade , and other regional agreements have been heavily influenced by the Hague models .
17 Preference shift measures , too , are heavily influenced by the ‘ news ’ content of the advertisements , to the exclusion of other persuasive elements .
18 High farce came to Doctor Who with the writing of this story which author Dennis Spooner admits was heavily influenced by the then current fad for Carry On … films .
19 Once again the nature of these devices and their complexity will be heavily influenced by the publication 's audience .
20 And Lloyd found , in a milieu still heavily influenced by the Communist Party , that he had little difficulty in outselling the Morning Star when he took it on the streets .
21 No doubt the decision was heavily influenced by the fact that both stories were correct , and had revealed controversial practices in the administration of justice .
22 We do not yet know much about this but the brain is so powerful and complex that it is very unlikely that any of the analyses proposed so far bear much resemblance to this reality ; they are too heavily influenced by the theoretician 's preoccupation with economy , elegance and simplicity .
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