Example sentences of "appeal to the public " in BNC.

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1 He will appeal to the public today in an attempt to drive home his claim that Britain has an ‘ historic opportunity ’ for a partnership government .
2 East German opposition leaders said the atmosphere was becoming explosive , and appealed to the public to avoid violence during East Germany 's fortieth anniversary celebrations at the end of the week , which President Mikhail Gorbachev is due to attend .
3 THE Government 's education policy has come under attack from the headmaster of a leading North Wales public school who appealed to the public to put more trust in teachers .
4 Police issued a photograph of little Gareth and appealed to the public to contact them urgently if they had any information .
5 Mr Johnson said that both families had been devastated by the killings and he appealed to the public : ‘ If you have any information , however small , please help us .
6 Police have set up a special incident room at Coleraine RUC station and have appealed to the public to help catch the murder gang responsible for the seaside slaughter .
7 Meanwhile two members of the dead woman 's family have appealed to the public for help in catching her killer .
8 All the words were in place — ‘ I would not wish this on my worst enemy ’ ; ‘ Sam 's safety is my only concern ’ ; ‘ I appeal to the public to help in any way they can ’ ; ‘ I beg those who are holding her to let her go ’ — but the heart seemed strangely absent .
9 Lumumba attempted to appeal to the public over the radio but he was turned away by Ghanaian troops acting under UN orders ( heading the UN mission was Ralph Bunche ) .
10 Firstly , enlarging the consultative processes ; it is essential for a government to appeal to the public and to allow citizens to express their opinions and needs .
11 But any thought or consideration given to working men was only part of a larger strategy of appealing to the public generally .
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