Example sentences of "accuse [pron] [prep] trying " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I suppose you 're accusing me of trying to manipulate you . ’
2 ‘ Oh , really , ’ Merrill said wearily , ‘ you 're not still accusing me of trying to lure Rob away from Heather ? ’
3 Victoria had accused me of trying to thrust myself into the action while pretending I want to live a quiet life .
4 Yet already you have accused me of trying to endanger your mother 's life through risky water sports .
5 After all he was doing for her , she had virtually accused him of trying to seduce her .
6 In the end , would you believe it , my own daughter accused me of trying to get off with him ; a woman of my experience !
7 ‘ At the end of the interview he accused me of trying to stir up trouble , refused to shake my hand and stormed off .
8 ‘ No more ridiculous than what you just accused me of trying to do . ’
9 Added to which was the emotional harassment of fellow priest Laverty whose idea of support was to visit and then accuse her of trying to wreck the life of a good priest .
10 Animal-breeders , who accuse him of trying to drive them out of business , organised a protest on May 8th , when hundreds of people sent Mr Sims bits of dog-food .
11 As we saw in Chapter 4 , the London Evening News accused him of trying to subvert the ‘ wholesome , manly , simple ideals of English life ’ , and connected his sexual perversion with intellectual and moral subversion .
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