Example sentences of "lift [pos pn] head [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The girl had lifted her head and turned her face towards him , though he could not flatter himself that she was looking at him ; rather at the image he drew before her , that spare portrait of the departed visitant , sketched in so few lines on the firelit air .
2 He simply looked startled — as if a worm had just lifted its head and answered him back , Carrie thought .
3 That is true , but in this picture the golfer has n't lifted his head and is going to top by letting the right side straighten on the downswing or by getting too far ahead of the shot at impact .
4 I was surrounded by a crowd of shouting , gesticulating Malts , who pulled at my parachute , lifted my head and drove me so furious that I had to give up the dying idea in order to concentrate completely on kicking every Malt who came within range .
5 After a moment I lifted my head and cried , ‘ Do n't throw yourself away on an animal like him !
6 She lifted her head as she did this , and seemed to look straight at him .
7 There was silence for a moment , and then Millie lifted her head as she said , ‘ He … he called me funny name .
8 Alida lifted her head and Dorothea thought how unbecoming tears were , after childhood , how old and ugly and formless they made a face .
9 Then Miss Harker lifted her head and addressed them all in solemn tones .
10 She lifted her head and smiled cheerfully .
11 Carrie lifted her head and looked at him , and what she saw was a young boy , the same young boy she had known when she lived in the cottage .
12 Aggie lifted her head and looked at Ben , saying , ‘ Reading between the lines , the husband of this friend , whoever she was , was n't going to allow his wife to get mixed up in something .
13 Emily lifted her head and breathed in the sweet March air , it was good to stand in the garden of Summer Lodge looking out over a tranquil sea with timid waves reaching for the shore .
14 She lifted her head and though her eyes burned and her throat ached with unshed tears , outwardly , she was a picture of perfect composure .
15 Ace lifted her head and waved .
16 She lifted her head and looked into the man 's face .
17 So she lifted her head and a voice behind her yelled hoarsely , ‘ I 've got her ! ’
18 When she lifted her head and looked at me , I realized it was Estella .
19 She lifted her head and banged it several times on the floor .
20 Rose lifted her head and looked Melissa full in the face .
21 She lifted her head and stared across , her face expressionless .
22 Finally she lifted her head and gave a confident smile .
23 She lifted her head and glared .
24 Maggie tried to think fast but failed , so she lifted her head and looked at him defiantly .
25 And then she felt him move away and she lifted her head and saw that he was going towards the door .
26 Lucy lifted her head and glared at him .
27 Then all at once she was swept by a wildness as if every doubt had vanished in a twinkling , and a bubble of pure joy lifted her head and made her lips tilt .
28 She lifted her head and looked him in the face .
29 When at length she lifted her head and sniffed he produced a spotless hankie .
30 Automatically she lifted her head and arms as he finally removed the flimsy barrier and she lay open to his gaze .
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