Example sentences of "drink a glass [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While marines machine gun his East Anglian air base , the deranged commander observes that , ‘ You never see a Commie drink a glass of water — and with good reason . ’
2 As he waited to pose for photographers drinking a glass of water in a City bank , Mr Howard said the Government 's calculations had been overtaken by the surge in the stock market .
3 Salutations 0 Mighty Apollo ! glad your music tour went down well , playing the fiddle standing on your head while drinking a glass of water is very clever , none but a Nero could do it , but you really should not have set fire to the auditorium as an encore .
4 Try looking over your shoulder and drinking a glass of milk .
5 Claire was delighted at the improvement She tried drinking a glass of milk , to see what would happen , and 24 hours later Jamie , following a feed , suffered , a severe attack of colic .
6 When I 'm drinking a glass of water , I 'm drinking a glass of water and not thinking about five other things at the same time .
7 When I 'm drinking a glass of water , I 'm drinking a glass of water and not thinking about five other things at the same time .
8 If you think that Chronic Urethritis may be a problem , you can help yourself by taking the following measures : drinking a glass of water before you have intercourse , so that you fill your bladder ; making sure that you use a vaginal lubricant and relax as much as possible ; and the by remembering to empty your bladder soon after intercourse .
9 He took a deep breath , and drank a glass of water in one go .
10 The five of them eyed each other stiff-faced and stiff-necked , drank a glass of wine together with the earl to seal their new friendship , and parted in complete mutual understanding and distrust .
11 Rab drank a glass of water .
12 Gin , we are told , is one of the purest spirits made , and juniper berries , the baies de genièvre or ginepro from which Geneva or gin derived its name , provide the characteristic flavouring which everyone who ever drank a glass of gin in their lives would recognize when he tastes the juniper-berry flavour in Provençal game terrines and certain Northern Italian sauces and stuffings for partridge and pheasant ; and eau de vie de genièvre is a spirit used in French and Belgian Ardennais regional cooking , so it seems extraordinary that people blanch at the suggestion that gin should go into the casseroles .
13 The young man ordered two large ham sandwiches and Flavia devoured them while he drank a glass of beer .
14 ‘ Do n't ask me , ’ said Alan , and bravely , coolly drank a glass of water from the tap .
15 He made the effort to say something pleasant to his wife and they drank a glass of wine together for the first time in weeks .
16 Then she drank a glass of water and felt it trickle slowly down inside her as if she were a pipe .
17 Drink a glass of water before a meal and you 'll feel full up .
18 Go to Fonda Pepe , Pamela wanted to say , and drink a glass of Hierbas .
19 She heard him turn on the tap and drink a glass of water noisily .
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