Example sentences of "relatively short [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 They allow you to imply things without saying them directly , and so to develop complex arguments in relatively short passages of writing .
2 There is about an 80 per cent improvement rate after a relatively short course of treatment ( eight to ten weeks ) .
3 The recent conclusion that the Proconsul hand had a fully opposable thumb , with rotation at the trapezium-first metacarpal joint at least as extensive as in other hominoids , is of particular significance in combination with thumb length , for Proconsul lacks the relatively short thumb of the living great apes and so had hand proportions very similar to those of modern humans .
4 Still , there may be chances , even during the course of what will be a relatively short Session of Parliament , for amends to be made .
5 All regular steel pegs rot and become unsafe and then unusable in a relatively short space of time .
6 In other words the issue is whether there has been a gradual process of change based on clear continuities with the past or an accumulation of changes in a relatively short space of time which has fundamentally altered the structures of the UK state .
7 Thus it would seem that the ‘ dawn of civilisation ’ , so often quoted in a context suggesting that it represents a fairly finite occurrence taking a relatively short space of time , did , in all probability cover a very long time indeed , perhaps many thousands of years .
8 The emergence of such policies illustrates the dramatic shift that has occurred within a relatively short space of time in the social interpretation of sexual differences and inequalities .
9 ‘ In that relatively short space of time we have established ourselves as a vital source of providing banking services to local people .
10 I mean , surely the waifs and orphans , not to mention the bona fide seedling sons and daughters , could not have sprung into these young oaks in such a relatively short space of time ?
11 A man who has had a lot of success in a relatively short space of time — he has been training 15 years — Homer Scott has already had a Liverpool winner .
12 Renewable energy sources replenish themselves naturally in a relatively short space of time .
13 In the computer industry , the power of trade marks can readily be seen as , in a relatively short space of time , names such as Apple computer , IBM , WordStar , Lotus 1-2-3 and BBC computer have become household names .
14 Many of his battle-weary colleagues , three years later , may regard his enthusiasm with some cynicism but most would agree with him that the nature of management in the NHS has been transformed in a relatively short space of time .
15 As in the longer experiment , the subjects tended to sleep less during a three-month follow-up , indicating that even relatively short periods of training may be sufficient to reduce sleep requirements by an hour or so in individuals who wish to do so .
16 There is no evidence that the Ismaili Assassins ever made contact with the Crusaders in the relatively short history of the sect .
17 Our inding that EGF is depleted in oesophagitis is perhaps explained by a report that EGF has a relatively short duration of action ( <24 hours ) , so that continual stimulation by fresh EGF is required to maintain a mitogenic response , depleting stores of EGF in the endothelial cells .
18 The relatively short duration of action of SMS 201–995 compared with omeprazole on serum gastrin was also observed in our study .
19 The Elton Committee managed to produce a comprehensive and widely supported report and a coherent set of recommendations in a relatively short period of time .
20 ‘ Terminally ill ’ , I submit means that the patient has an illness which has been accurately diagnosed , and which seems certain to bring about his death within a relatively short period of time , since the illness is beyond both cure and palliation .
21 require a commitment of organizational resources for a relatively short period of time
22 The therapist should prepare the patient for termination by making it clear from the first interview that a relatively short period of treatment is planned .
23 Although the initial injury he had received had healed in a relatively short period of time , he had been left with a pain in his left knee ; this was aggravated whenever he put pressure on the joint concerned , as in walking or even just standing .
24 WITHIN A RELATIVELY short period of time , Ferruccio Furlanetto has established himself as one of the most sought after of all operatic basses , recording for no less than five out of the world 's six leading recording organisations .
25 Elicitation procedures make it possible to examine a very broad spectrum of linguistic abilities in a systematic manner over a relatively short period of time .
26 On the one hand , ethnic minorities currently settled in Britain have been here for a relatively short period of time , and it seems that circumstances of migration and initial settlement are conditions under which support between siblings assumes greater significance than it might otherwise do — a point illustrated by the patterns of chain migration and of joint households which I discussed earlier in this chapter .
27 It appears entirely possible for a coronary artery to progress from one with hardly any narrowing to one which is completely blocked over a relatively short period of time ; and conversely , it is possible for a severe coronary stenosis to stay as a severe coronary stenosis without progressing for several years .
28 Yes , I I I I 've had these for a relatively short period of time .
29 The typical applicant to the tribunal is a male , middle-aged , non-union manual worker dismissed after a relatively short period of service .
30 Nevertheless , they counter that the physical environment should not be considered a constant , even over the relatively short period of agricultural settlement in Great Britain , in part because of climatic change and its consequences , in part because of changes wrought by land use practices , and in part because of changed perceptions of the environment ; see also Prince ( 1971 ) , and Blaikie and Brookfield ( 1987 ) .
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