Example sentences of "demand would result [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Court had jurisdiction to hear an originating summons on the question of the Inland Revenue 's right to demand information in a situation where the taxpayer had no statutory right of appeal against the demand , and a failure to comply with the demand would result in a penalty .
2 Specifically , an expansion of demand would result in a reduction in unemployment but would also lead to a balance of payments deficit as imports increased .
3 Because our industrial base is contracting , any resurgence of consumer demand would result in a flood of imported goods to supplement our own under-producing industry with disastrous effects on the balance of payments .
4 We agree with the vast majority of minerals planning authorities ( MPAs ) that meeting this demand would result in severe environmental impacts .
5 We agree with the vast majority of minerals planning authorities ( MPAs ) that meeting this demand would result in severe environmental impacts .
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