Example sentences of "everyone [be] talking about " in BNC.

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1 Hitchcock added : ‘ Now we 're fourth in the League , everyone 's talking about us winning something , especially in the cups .
2 LOOK OUT : why everyone 's talking about John Cleese .
3 ‘ Say what you like , but I do n't fancy this old barn everyone 's talking about .
4 And now everyone 's talking about it and it 's in one way it makes you gnash your teeth that that we 're not getting the credit yet
5 Despite the rain the queue went on and on and on.Over eight hundred people turned out in Oxford to see the blockbuster everyone 's talking about .
6 Despite the rain the queue went on and on and on.Over eight hundred people turned out in Oxford to see the blockbuster everyone 's talking about .
7 It 's been under wraps for weeks , but now the political biography everyone 's talking about has finally arrived .
8 She thinks everyone 's talking about her .
10 Everyone is talking about it and before the pictures come out you can bet all the top designers will be using rope . ’
11 ALREADY We have n't even started , and everyone is talking about TODAY 's Cellulite Roadshow .
12 Everyone is talking about ‘ Europe of the future ’ .
13 She says everyone is talking about the new store . ’
14 Bob Tistall also has a good chance , but it 's Dixton House everyone is talking about .
15 At work everyone was talking about the television dramatization of the Jack the Ripper story .
16 With a backbone of electrification , traffic rising and the prospect of the Channel Tunnel , everyone was talking about the railways .
17 I think the final Ziggy Stardust tour was in England — that was the big tour — and by the time we returned , everyone was talking about it because Ziggy Stardust was a really good show .
18 Suddenly everyone was talking about One Flew Over The Cuckoo 's Nest and a copy passed from hand to hand .
19 Henry thought that he would probably have Camilla tonight , or maybe Tavic , the black society sculptor everyone was talking about or , hey , maybe both .
20 Snapping open her eyes , she realized that everyone was staring at her , everyone was talking about her , everyone knew that she was about to —
21 Keeper Jon Hallworth , beaten by Richard Hall 's header , said : ‘ Earlier in the season everyone was talking about us scoring loads of goals and letting in as many .
22 He was the man everyone was talking about .
23 Suddenly , everyone was talking about Syria and Iran — which country had more power over the hostage-takers , which was leaning more to the West .
24 But suddenly in September everyone was talking about war .
25 She knew vaguely there was a wonderful person everyone was talking about , but who could be more wonderful to a wide-eyed seven year old than the sight of their own father guarding a flag with gold tassels ?
26 Everyone was talking about the fire .
27 But when we all went back to training at our clubs , everyone was talking about the stick he got and all agreed it was disgraceful . ’
28 The audience would gather , one particular yeoman turning aside , out of curiosity , to see these strange outsiders everyone was talking about .
29 Meanwhile , back at Pillowell , everyone was talking about the big win :
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