Example sentences of "early [prep] [art] week " in BNC.

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1 For anyone who goes out to work or has to leave home early during the week the garden is a weekends-only pleasure for almost half of the year .
2 Some try to keep some manna overnight early in the week .
3 I had called round at the house early in the week to check on how things had gone over the weekend .
4 It would seem highly unlikely , except at the times when falling piece rates forced them to , that domestic workers averaged such hours through the week , although they must have worked them on some days , if only to make up for slacker work early in the week .
5 Tonks also attended Saturday 's game and when asked about the situation , he smiled confidently and said : ‘ We are hoping to announce something early in the week . ’
6 thing early in the week out with him and he did n't know how to operate it , so half the tapes , I mean we checked them because he 's he 's got ta write down who is speaking on on those tapes
7 Or , at least , not if you compare Senna 's comparatively lenient fine for ignoring a warning flag last Friday with the harsh justice delivered to Nigel Mansell earlier in the week .
8 He observed that the economy had expanded steadily since 1981 , and repeated something that Kenneth Baker had said earlier in the week : that there was ‘ no precedent for eight years of sustained growth ’ .
9 Political leaders from across the assembly had resolved earlier in the week that an apparent lacuna in the rulebook which gave the neo-fascists the chairmanship and vice-chairmanship of the delegations should be filled so that the pair could be voted out of their posts .
10 Meanwhile the pound showed some signs of stabilising having slipped below the psychological DM3 level earlier in the week .
11 Earlier in the week Pipe was not sure to give his Gold Cup candidate a race on the firm ground but the stable is in tremendous form and the inmates do not seem unduly affected by the state of the ground .
12 Earlier in the week Rupert Moon , the Neath scrum-half , was drafted into the squad as possible cover for Bates but primarily to fill the gap left by Dewi Morris on the replacements ' bench .
13 He must have wished he had been there , protected by the Pinkerton security guards employed here , earlier in the week when a messenger arrived at the course to serve a paternity suit .
14 Brokers ' upgrades of RMC , in the light of its figures earlier in the week , continued to support the shares , up another 15 at 645p .
15 Soon they were selling goods to Faccenda 's customers at lower prices , operating along the same routes as Faccenda and generally making calls earlier in the week than Faccenda .
16 We had gotten to that section of the tune where it was obvious that we had played enough for the outro and I decided , off the top of my head , to start playing a song that I had started writing earlier in the week .
17 I know Alan Harding , the choreographer , well and a meeting in Nottingham earlier in the week has brought us no closer to a decision .
18 The 100p represents a 21% premium on the closing price earlier in the week .
19 Park City received 71cm of snow earlier in the week , a bonanza for recreational skiers but causing a headache for organisers who had already constructed a firm course from artificial snow .
20 Earlier in the week , after qualifying at a record speed of 482.892mph , Shelton burnt a piston in the No 12 cylinder .
21 ‘ I did feel a bit ropey earlier in the week and a bug has been going around the club for sometime .
22 Earlier in the week , the naming of an InterCity Powercar ‘ Country of Somerset ’ at Taunton on July 1 — the actual 150th anniversary date was followed by an eventful run of ‘ City of Truro ’ .
23 We gear up amongst the debris of ascents earlier in the week , thankful that we 're first to the route today .
24 There had been rain earlier in the week and the soil under the thick vegetation was still damp .
25 And the party was all the better for not being spoiled by a strike by lecturers which had been threatened earlier in the week .
26 Mr Ayre said a national report earlier in the week showed grant maintained schools were faring better than their counterparts which had not yet opted out .
27 Among those present either lunching , or braving the elements to watch the match , or both , were the new Argentine Ambassador Señor Mario Campora , , she is better known as TV sports presenter Sally Jones ; Mr and Mrs Brian Jenks , whom I had enjoyed meeting at Royal Ascot earlier in the week ; , Mr Brian Morrison , he owns the Royal Berkshire Polo ground ; Major Ronald Ferguson , who runs the polo here very efficiently ; .
28 He opened the freezer and helped himself to a cold beer and the last of the chicken drumsticks from the packet he had bought earlier in the week .
29 Earlier in the week their Paddling Challenge , the oldest canoe race in the world , had seen several of the overseas competitors joining in without stopping even to unload their vehicles when they arrived and being joined by a number of prominent paddlers from the past .
30 Earlier in the week Kit Prescott and I had a long , relaxed hour and a half with one of the top African politicians .
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