Example sentences of "take [pron] hands off " in BNC.

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1 Now road testing , the bloke said look you can take your hands off the wheel at a hundred and fifty !
2 I was me and it was both frightening and exciting , like driving very fast round a precipitous bend with someone now and again taking my hands off the wheel and forcing me to trust .
3 But Evans said : ‘ I never took my hands off the ball .
4 Alexandra took her hands off the keyboard .
5 He took his hands off the table and thrust them into his pockets .
6 Gabriel took his hands off the hilt of the sword , expecting it to fall with a clatter .
7 When sitting on the saddle you must be able to operate the brake levers without taking your hands off the handlebars .
8 As we discussed at our first meeting and as I subsequently discussed with Angela Rumbold , it was very clear that unless there was a preparedness on the part of the Home Office to take its hands off the management of the Prison Service in its day to day business and allow itself to be constrained by matters of policy only , then it would not be possible to effect the changes which you deem desirable and which have become very clear to me as being necessary during the talks I have had and the visits I have made .
9 Rory turned her attention to the road ahead , gripped by two almost equally powerful temptations — the first being to take her hands off the wheel and shake Candy by the shoulders for being so infuriating .
10 She shrieked that he was to take his hands off her .
11 Take your hands off your stupid ears and think what we 're going to do next .
12 Take your hands off me ! ’
13 Take your hands off me ! ’
14 Take your hands off me ! ’ she rasped .
15 Take your hands off me ! ’
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