Example sentences of "can [be] inferred from " in BNC.

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1 The most important point is that relatively complicated life habits can be inferred from a careful consideration of the anatomy of even the simplest looking animal , particularly when there are related , similarly adapted animals for comparison .
2 Now , in most cases , when a new protein is found from a gene sequence , some idea of its function can be inferred from the similarity of its amino acid sequence , to those of other proteins whose function is known .
3 These are not Amnesty 's views , or my own , though I can see how such an interpretation can be inferred from our choice of quotation on the appeal envelope .
4 The frescoes show us what the colonnades looked like and capitals of varying designs can be inferred from them ; some of the stone pedestal lamps seem to be miniature versions of the full-sized timber columns .
5 The existence of metal vases and bowls can be inferred from pottery objects which imitate metal models , sometimes even to the extent of having fake rivets and fake chain-links added .
6 The level of safety in the workplace can be inferred from the fact that 20 per cent of the rise in death rates for men in their late thirties arise from ‘ accident ’ .
7 The presence of cosmic rays can be inferred from high-energy γ -rays because these are produced when cosmic rays pass through interstellar gas .
8 But much can be inferred from statistics of births in any year to women who already have 0 , 1 , 2 , etc. children ( figure 4.13 ) .
9 We must assume that this sentence is meant ironically because it says nothing other than what can be inferred from the preceding sentence : Pemberton registers this completely obvious fact , the location of the illness , from Mrs Moreen 's somewhat overdramatized confidentiality .
10 It can be inferred from speeches made by Yugoslav and Soviet spokesmen when the question of compulsory repatriation was subsequently debated at the United Nations that both governments were primarily intent on getting their nationals back within their power .
11 Whilst the natural flow of the design development must be from the top to bottom of Figure I.l , due to the iterative nature of design no truly sequential relationships can be inferred from their order .
12 Hemisphere dominance for speech can be inferred from either the presence or absence of aphasia following a unilateral cerebral lesion .
13 If , as in the last illustration , you decide that a fact can be inferred from what is given , though not explicitly stated , it is wise to guard yourself by stating expressly that you assume the fact to exist .
14 The following examples from China 's Panda Reserves illustrate ( a ) the use of adverbials to indicate time reference where necessary and feasible in a Chinese translation , and ( b ) the omission of time reference altogether where it can be inferred from the context or where the information is not felt to be important .
15 The connotations of pastness in the above extract can be inferred from the context , because of the reference to nineteenth-century botanists .
16 As can be inferred from the above account there is no magical practice involved .
17 This can be inferred from the line which Diodorus takes in what is left of Books 32–7 .
18 Nothing is yet known of the gates of the town , although the position of the south gate can be inferred from the lines of the streets .
19 Thus , in our example earlier , Mrs. Jones 's assent can be inferred from the fact that she unlocked the coal house door .
20 An agreement that the passing of risk shall not be simultaneous with the passing of property can be inferred from the circumstances .
21 The presence of these empty spaces can be inferred from the fact that when a polystyrene glass is dissolved in benzene there is a contraction in the total volume .
22 In fact , a significant association of cryptosporidiosis with diarrhoea can be inferred from only one of previous studies , and Janoff and coworkers recently reported asymptomatic colonisation of the digestive tract by Cryptosporidium .
23 The reconstruction of the possible sequence of events in his life which can be inferred from the Office and personal remarks in his writings , is at best a complicated matter of academic conjecture which is of no direct help to the reader in engaging with his English works .
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