Example sentences of "can [adv] be justified " in BNC.

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1 He blames speculators and traders for the shock waves and says the surge in prices ca n't be justified by the oil crisis .
2 Huge cuts in EPA 's research Funds ( down by nearly 50 per cent since Reagan took office ) can perhaps be justified on the grounds that , in hard times , scientific priorities can be temporarily reshuffled with little or no long-term damage .
3 She considers marriage to be a gamble for any woman , a gamble which can only be justified where the woman examines the character and prospects of the man she is to marry .
4 Such treatment can only be justified if it is necessary to give a true and fair view .
5 Hitting some of the soft spots in certain ways can cause really serious injury and can only be justified in extreme circumstances .
6 As I have argued above , the doctrine of deterrence and the deployment of strategic nuclear weapons can only be justified by the acceptance that the superpowers are genuine in their protestations that they do not intend ever to use nuclear weapons , and that they seek disarmament .
7 To keep the family together must be the first aim , and the separation of the child from its parents can only be justified when there is no possibility of securing adequate care for that child in his own home .
8 In developing a celebrated liberal position , H. L. A. Hart argues that criminal laws can only be justified where they deter harm or offensive behaviour to others , or , in limited instances of ‘ legal paternalism ’ , where the laws discourage serious harm to oneself .
9 Indeed , in my opinion , the privilege can only be justified on two grounds , first that it discourages the ill-treatment of a suspect and secondly that it discourages the production of dubious confessions .
10 In those circumstances treatment can only be justified by the principle of necessity , as stated by Lord Goff of Chieveley in In re F. ( Mental Patient : Sterilisation ) [ 1990 ] 2 A.C. 1 , 75–76 :
11 For instance , the relatively high costs of a quality orientated operation can only be justified if forecasts of market demand show that customers will remain insensitive to price increases , but sensitive to variations in product quality .
12 The ERM can only be justified as a stepping-stone towards a Single Currency .
13 This investment can only be justified for systems where transactions have a huge value to that business .
14 A lax attitude to accident prevention can not be justified by the perennial excuses of financial hardships and pressure from high work-loads .
15 Therefore , consent can not be justified as a necessary means to establish a just government .
16 What can not be justified quantitatively can not command large resources .
17 Obviously , purely objective criteria such as the patient 's age or the particular illness can not be justified or relied upon .
18 From an animal welfare point of view the chasing of a fox or a deer round the countryside with dogs and followed by men either on foot or mounted on horses is a cruel practice which can not be justified .
19 What stopped me in my tracks was a sentence reading , ‘ The dung beetle program really can not be justified on the grounds that it is cheaper than a horse ’ .
20 Assuming that you have retrieved your ferrets , reluctant though you may be to give up there is wisdom in recognising that you have reached the stage where the expenditure of more time and effort can not be justified .
21 A society in which this right is systematically denied … can not be justified from an ethical point of view … ’
22 ‘ Surely this can not be justified as an effective use of civil servants ' time or public money . ’
23 For example , modern jus ad bellum puts considerable emphasis on the right of self-defence in accord with Articles 2(4) and 51 of the UN Charter : the implication of these provisions is that any use of force , even after the outbreak of fighting , is prohibited if it can not be justified by reference to the right of self-defence recognised in Article 51 of the Charter .
24 On democratic grounds their existence can not be justified .
25 Thus , for example , the way in which it is proposed to structure the rules regulating take-over bids simply reflects a judgment about how far acquiring companies should , through the mechanism of the take-over bid , be given the opportunity of dislodging the managers of the target company — a judgment which can not be justified simply by appealing to the ideal of a free market .
26 All we need is to show that your belief that you are not a brain in a vat can not be justified since nothing in your experience can count as evidence for that proposition , and then appeal to an analogue of : which holds that if a is justified in believing that p and that p implies q , a is justified in believing that q .
27 We can not argue straightforwardly that a false belief can not be justified .
28 Instead , he maintains that our general belief that experience is a reliable guide can not be justified , since all promising justifications assume what is at issue by supposing that experience can reveal that our experience is a reliable guide .
29 Induction can not be justified purely on logical grounds .
30 The principle of induction can not be justified merely by an appeal to logic .
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