Example sentences of "would [verb] occurred to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't think it would have occurred to her to want to die , ’ I said .
2 He would no more have thought of behaving as Harold Macmillan did in 1962 , and dismissing nearly a half of them as though they were junior executives in an ailing company , than it would have occurred to him to divorce his wife and marry one of his walking companions .
3 But such was the disappointment on his face that I was compelled to agree that we would enjoy such a picnic , which indeed is a delicious meal in other circumstances — at Henley during summer , or at Glyndebourne on a good afternoon — but in the middle of the South African veld , on our way to Rhodesia , its incongruity would have occurred to anyone except to a British diplomat .
4 I tried to marry this judgment with the memory of the sturdy young woman I 'd seen joking in the glade ; who had come breezily into The Pightle telling me to water the plants and daring me to a duel of wits with Edward ; who had seemed so certain of me over against his cautious vacillation. fragile was not the first word that would have occurred to me , unless I had overlooked something vital — something which , I remembered , Bob had noted .
5 It seemed unlikely that anyone would choose to live in this out-of-the-way place without some form of transport — if she had n't been so nervous , that would have occurred to her earlier , she thought wryly .
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