Example sentences of "we noted [that] the " in BNC.

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1 In the July issue of ACCOUNTANCY ( see p 99 ) , we noted that the Trade Union and Labour Relations ( Consolidation ) Bill 1992 had been re-introduced into the House of Lords .
2 Towards the end of Section 1.8 we noted that the only interpretation one could put upon the equality unc between the two polynomials mentioned is that 1 = 0 , -3 = 0 and 2 = 0 in Q. Thus the above equality is meaningful but blatantly false .
3 Later , wandering further through the ruins , we noted that the process of creation seemed to have gone into reverse .
4 We noted that the major instrument of central control over local activity was financial : local authorities depend on central government for nearly half their income , with most of the rest coming from rates .
5 The motives for bequests have been discussed in Lecture 3 , where we noted that the formulation underlying ( 9–12 ) provides no explanation as to why bequests enter the utility function .
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