Example sentences of "which lie [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Blaise Pascal , of Pascal 's triangle , extended the theorem to : If a hexagon is inscribed in a circle , the pairs of opposite sides intersect , respectively , in three points which lie on a straight line .
2 Floating plastic ball blankets which lie on the surface in the same way as a crust have been tried , the manufacturers claiming they have on occasions been beneficial in reducing odours presumably by reducing evaporation , although the precise reason is not apparently known .
3 East of the towns of Biggleswade and Sandy , both of which lie on the A1 highway from London to the north , the county of Bedfordshire abuts Cambridgeshire .
4 The only residues that interact directly with the bases in the major groove are Lys23 and Thr25 from each of the four subunits , which lie on the β -strands .
5 Many of the sounds we hear emanating from insects , for example , are only the bottom end of a spectrum of sound signals much of which lie above the auditory frequencies to which our ears are attuned .
6 In addition , the Kingscote pavement shares with mosaic 9 a similar arrangement and a border of relieved swastika meander ; and like the Lydney mosaic it has a circular band of scroll pattern , while " the curving scrolls with petals and volutes are best mirrored in both of the panels which lie above the Hare mosaic .
7 But it leaves us admitting that if we ever want to say that such a statement is determinately true , we must admit that there are facts in virtue of which it is true but which lie beyond the possibility of verification .
8 As an inside exploration of culture this might also be considered to be a ‘ liminal ’ or ‘ liminoid ’ phenomenon ( V. Turner 1974 , 1977 ) , for as it delves beneath the surface phenomena , the subjective analysis can reveal unconscious categories and transformational operations which lie between the dual poles and such exclusively preferred categories as ‘ cops and robbers ’ .
9 Douglas ( 1966 : 1973 ) has described how the boundaries which lie between the structures of holiness and the anti-structure of pollution are potential power bases and always the source of emotive reaction .
10 But as we have seen , he referred to the Duddon valley as ‘ the darling of my heart ’ — he says in the Guide that Mr. West ‘ contented himself by speaking of the scenery of easy access from the public roads , for he has entirely omitted the vast and romantic wilds which lie between the sea and the chain of lofty mountains , beginning at Coniston and ending at Lows Water — who shall traverse Seathwaite , Eskdale Wastdale , Ennerdale and Ennersaledale , and not be ready to acknowledge that the Western side of his tour , though probably less beautiful , is infinitely more magnificent than the Eastern side ? ’
11 blank entries which lie between the last entry of the data being scrolled and the last line of the scrolled area , ( the DEFAULT marker ) .
12 It is clear from thinking in Brussels and Paris that their views on international trade owe more to Friedrich List than to Adam Smith , although it is always surprising that they bemoan their countries ' so-called tutelage to the United States and at the same time attack the liberal economic policies which lie at the root of American power : why do they not realise that they should adopt economic liberalism as well ?
13 In describing each of the nine archetypes , it is my aim to uncover the forces which lie at the heart of their ‘ beings ’ .
14 It should now be apparent that for any rights theory to be capable of satisfactorily addressing the broader problems which now confront our traditional representative institutions it will need to transcend the essentially liberal principles which lie at the heart of Dworkin 's thesis .
15 Before attempting to describe the various approaches to learning and teaching which may be found in the contemporary primary school , it would be appropriate to list in the broadest of terms the key elements which lie at the heart of the curriculum .
16 To understand what the issue is really about , we must look more carefully at the premises they bring to bear on the discussion of reduction ; for this debate functions as a strait-jacket , stifling the very assumptions and aspirations which lie at the heart of the dispute .
17 The removal of such practices , and any employer who uses such practices today does so at his peril , can be a part of the answer to the economic problems of West Belfast which lie at the root of most other West Belfast problems .
18 In addition to these issues which arise from the nature of professional occupations and the control of professional courses , there are two other issues which lie at the heart of professional education , so much so indeed that they can be taken as defining characteristics of it .
19 Firstly , it seems highly likely that even apparent disparities in the way offenders are treated will fuel resentment and thereby contribute to the feelings of injustice which lie at the heart of the penal system 's crisis of legitimacy .
20 All others are available except those which lie at the extreme top end of the compass ( say above including the shake on G and A ♮ ) .
21 However , the net welfare gains represent increases in real incomes in the EC , and it is these real income increases which lie at the heart of the benefits of creating the SEM .
22 We have now examined the complete survey for single GKM I to IV stars , yielding 31 new detections , all of which lie to the left of the dividing line .
23 Recognition that there are areas to be catered for which lie outside the subject departments and need to be kept outside the distribution mechanism , for example , administration , library , orchestra etc .
24 Solutions to population pressure , differentiation , and declining productivity through soil exhaustion and erosion , which lie outside the agricultural sector altogether , do not offer the same promise as they did in Japan , the USA or the United Kingdom during their industrial revolutions .
25 First there were the regions of the south and east which lie outside the major industrial centres ( the East Midlands , East Anglia and the South West ) .
26 This , of course , is using the term housing market in the broadest possible sense to mean the allocation and distribution of housing , including those houses which lie outside the market sector itself , such as local authority housing and tied cottages .
27 We focused on this in the previous chapter , and indeed as we shall see organisational analysis has increasingly taken serious notice of factors which lie outside the structure of formal authority .
28 Sometimes the relation between brothers-in-law is asymmetrical like that between elder brother and younger brother and sometimes affinity itself is asymmetrical so that the categories " wife-givers " and " wife-takers " are distinct ; but these are technical matters which lie outside the scope of the present discussion .
29 Scrolled area indicators allow the user to determine , at a glance , if there are ‘ hidden ’ entries in a scrolled area ; ie. entries which lie outside the display area .
30 The absence of tools , particularly from graves , may actually point more to the decisions which lie behind the choice of grave-goods to be interred with the dead ; tools have a very high use-value and may not therefore have been disposed of in this manner .
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