Example sentences of "but [pron] dare [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 I would like to enlarge on this theme , but I dare not because our experience falls far short of what we dimly perceive in the pages of Scripture .
2 But I dare not leave my sheep ’ , cried the shepherd .
3 At Asda a spokesman said : ‘ One or two stores do still have Tracy Island but I dare not say where in case I start a stampede . ’
4 ‘ Lord St. V[incent] offers Ross a commission , but I dare not mention his passing , it is vexatious . ’
5 Maybe I shall hear full soon enough , but I dare not ask him about the poor lady .
6 The roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall in but I dare not start on it just yet — the house must take priority .
7 ‘ Forgive my not rising , but I dare not move out of this chair until this wretched hair of mine is dry . ’
8 But I dare n't go home , see .
9 Poor soul , I think of her but I dare n't go to see her .
10 " Hazel , " said Fiver suddenly , " I want to get a clear idea of this Silverweed , but I dare n't go closer by myself .
11 I wanted to shout " Good luck Julie ! " to her , but I dare n't , in case the others laughed at me too .
12 I wo n't feel ‘ complete ’ until we have at least one more baby — but I dare n't bring up the subject very often as my husband just gets more and more adamant .
13 But I dare n't surrender … dare n't weaken …
14 And he does seem to like me , but I dare n't let myself fall in love with him .
15 I 'm trying to wash my hair , but I dare n't do , I 'll do it tomorrow
16 You hardly had room enough to do your job , but you dare n't tell 'em to get out o' the way ; or else they 'd say they 'd as much right to be there as you had !
17 But you dare n't , dare you ?
18 But you dare n't take the risk of trying it on in case I was calling your bluff and would refuse you .
19 Somewhere at the back of her mind , she knew there was an image of someone , but she dare not look too closely .
20 Tears burned at the back of her eyelids , but she dare n't let him see .
21 ‘ We have saved money for resources , but we dare n't use it , because there is nothing that is right for us .
22 But they dare n't take on the decisions and responsibility that would allow them to make their own alternatives , and to drop right out .
23 He wanted to hit her , but he dare n't .
24 The chap had tried but he dare n't tackle him any longer .
25 Busacher desperately wanted to go home and rest , but he dare n't let any rumours of his frailty get around .
26 By now he was hungry again and anxious to eat while he had the opportunity , but he dare not move from the corner until told to do so .
27 The leadership may purge the apparatus , but it dare not eliminate it , and it is not about to take an axe to itself .
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