Example sentences of "[ex0] [is] [art] long way to go " in BNC.

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1 ( Recovering them is a matter of great urgency ; and a start has been made , but there 's a long way to go — especially with Upward , whom oblivion has enveloped with a completeness that is startling and significant . )
2 The early signs are encouraging — but there 's a long way to go .
3 ‘ I have just got it confirmed , but these things take time , and there 's a long way to go yet . ’
4 I 'm not getting into a fight over some silly little first-year whether she 's your sister or not , and if you 'll excuse me , this porridge is bad enough hot , but cold it 's inedible and there 's a long way to go till lunchtime . ’
5 We are sitting in a good position now but there 's a long way to go .
6 There 's a long way to go before we break down the ‘ them up at Salisbury attitude ’
7 There 's a long way to go before it sounds natural . ’
8 When are we gon na have rules revisions , there 's a long way to go and as the , the er General Secretary said , be careful , because I 've been to talks with , on , from the Regional Committee with the T & G yes we got on lovely with them , they 're fine , they , they gave us a nice big er commemorative medal of the dockers ' strike and it 's got my granddad and my great granddad on it cos they was there in the other union mind you while we 've done all the striking and that they stood by , but nevertheless they 're not bad lads anyway and as John said we must be careful that we are not the ones that are gon na be taken over , because I remember that old song of the fifties , never smile at a crocodile
9 ‘ Buck thinks he has it in the bag , but there 's a long way to go yet . ’
10 There 's a long way to go because many of these companies that we 've mentioned are gon na fight fierce competition from Europe and we need to assist them .
11 But there 's a long way to go .
12 Police say this year overall car crime 's on the wane in the county … but they admit there 's a long way to go
13 There 's a long way to go yet .
14 I still think there 's a long way to go and there 's a very , very variable standard if you take motorway service areas .
15 There 's a long way to go yet before full-scale resource management comes into the health service in Oxford .
16 It 's certainly better than nothing , indeed it is yes , but there 's a long way to go .
17 But there 's a long way to go yet ; U N observers were in Cambodia earlier this year , but without unanimous support , they achieved very little .
18 Rodgers knows there is a long way to go before the big one in December , but he has the makings of a strong , hard pack and the chance of additional talent behind them providing injury does not intervene .
19 But there is a long way to go .
20 Clearly there is a long way to go , and this lack of financial resources is not helping .
21 But there is a long way to go .
22 There is a long way to go .
23 Which is where Wales would love to be now — though , not withstanding the obvious improvement , there is a long way to go before the benefit of a more productive line-out provided by Anthony Copsey and Gareth Llewellyn and more solid scrummage based on Mike Griffiths , Garin Jenkins and Laurance Delaney is complemented by corresponding forward mobility and the consequent winning of clean , quick loose ball .
24 He added : ‘ She is going to make it but there is a long way to go and she is still seriously ill .
25 Downing Street admitted : ‘ There is a long way to go .
26 ‘ It would be stupid to rule out promotion because there is a long way to go and we are now looking a decent team , ’ he said .
27 We have surprised even ourselves this season , but there is a long way to go yet . ’
28 Yet there is a long way to go , particularly in breaking down some of the fixed images of early Anglo-Saxon society .
29 There is a long way to go before we break down the ‘ them up at Salisbury ’ attitude . ’
30 Even if we adopt a much narrower focus and look at the specifically political institutions of the proclaimed democracies , it is plain that there is a long way to go before democratic principles are fully embodied in them .
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