Example sentences of "[ex0] [is] [adj] evidence [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 But there 's little evidence to suggest that a pregnant woman 's cravings reflect her nutritional needs any more than anyone else 's .
2 There 's little evidence to suggest that being delivered by Caesarean section is any more harmful to the baby than a natural birth .
3 There 's enough evidence to show that perseverance pays off
4 There is limited evidence to suggest that working class women were also convinced of the danger their contributions to the family economy posed to their husbands ' work incentives .
5 There is substantial evidence showing that the chances of surviving to old age are lower among the manual than non-manual groups and that this also applies , though to a lesser extent , to the number of years people live beyond retirement .
6 Third , there is substantial evidence showing that economic growth and education in advanced industrial societies are correlated , though there is equally substantial disagreement about the direction of the causality .
7 Categorising types of writing is not easy , but there is good evidence to suggest that the type of writing attempted has a strong influence on the outcome .
8 There is good evidence to show that the Mental Health Act is used disproportionately against black people and other disadvantaged groups , and this element of social control that is invested in psychiatric practice is likely to be further strengthened and made more pervasive by the introduction of community supervision orders .
9 Practically unique letter specification was obtained from only the downstrokes of the writing , and there is other evidence to suggest that most of the information in cursive writing is in the downward portions of the writing .
10 In August , Lyell had refused to do so , but Mr Greene says that there is new evidence to suggest that the Commission did not exercise its duties correctly ; The Commissioners seem not to have taken expert advice , as they were bound to do , on the importance of the paintings to the collection , but relied merely on the statements supplied by the College itself .
11 There is strong evidence to believe that Bamford was representative in another respect : their first child was present at the wedding .
12 Finally , there is strong evidence to show that humus in the soil can confer a remarkable degree of resistance to plant and animal pests and diseases .
13 She concludes from her study that there is strong evidence to suggest that the ward ‘ climate ’ is an important factor in the satisfaction of students with their learning environment .
14 There is strong evidence to suggest that the brain does not cope with information in a simple , linear form .
15 In fact I think there is overwhelming evidence to show that at least some of the time a ouija board can be a device ( like a crystal ball or a pendulum ) for releasing the forces of the subconscious in an irresponsible way , which can cause untold damage to the human personality . ’
16 There is encouraging evidence to suggest that the ‘ young old ’ today are generally both more affluent and in better physical and mental shape than were their counterparts a generation ago at the same age ( ibid : 141 ) .
17 There is much evidence to show that personnel management could be improved within the service and that unless the right managerial attitudes prevail , no amount of policies or procedures will compensate .
18 President Bush claimed , during the election campaign , that his ‘ dog Millie knew more about foreign policy than Bill Clinton ’ and there is much evidence to suggest that it is not Clinton 's strongest card .
19 There is much evidence to suggest that reading is more than just the recognition of individual characters .
20 Indeed , there is much evidence to suggest that many collocations found in natural text are domain-independent , and that only the analysis of a sufficiently large and general corpus will provide coverage of such structures .
21 There is much evidence to suggest that the American transformation was in many cases too sudden , too linked with immediately available federal grants , too concerned in fact with the importance of material provision rather than with steady and persistent thought and experimentation .
22 Indeed there is much evidence to suggest that the distinctions are most actively sought in periods of growing secularization , when the habit of referring all practices , finally , to some central faith and purpose , is loosening or has been lost .
23 There is much evidence to suggest that disability may be just one attribute which is considered undesirable in members of the health and caring professions ; race and class discrimination are well documented ( Young , 1981 ; Watkins , 1987 ; Baxter , 1988 ) and gender discrimination is also marked ( Young , 1981 ) .
24 Environmentalists claim that there is insufficient evidence to argue that dioxins are not harmful and therefore the precautionary principle should be enforced , and a ban be placed on all chlorine bleaching .
25 Sir Leon Brittan , then commissioner in charge of competition policy , says there is insufficient evidence to suggest that differences are the result of anti-competitive behaviour .
26 In particular there is anecdotal evidence to show that they are willing to expose the faults of other companies , including those that buy advertising space in the paper .
27 There is little evidence suggesting that unemployment and the poor economic conditions did undermine the overall economic position of the working class during the inter-war years , although monetary wages were reduced constantly until the mid-1930s and wages did decline as a proportion of home-produced income during the early and mid-1930s .
28 The already high incidence of vascular disease in non-diabetic western populations appears to be still higher in diabetic subjects and , although there have been suggestions of a specific diabetic large-vessel disease ( Lundbaek , 1973 ) , there is little evidence to suggest that atherosclerotic lesions in diabetics are distinct from those in non-diabetics ( Strandness et al , 1964 ) .
29 Somewhat surprisingly , there is little evidence to suggest that a city 's industrial structure in itself accounts for poor urban performance ( Fothergill and Gudgin , 1982 ) .
30 As was intimated in the introduction , although there is little evidence to suggest that sexual behaviour changed greatly in the period , the feeling remained for many people at the time that this was nevertheless what was happening .
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