Example sentences of "[been] caused by [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Brundle 's trouble had been caused by a split exhaust pipe which overheated a shock absorber .
2 Then , of course , there was Edmund Halley , he of comet fame — he was equally certain that the flooding had been caused by a passing comet .
3 The unrest , which was connected with further proposed petrol price and bus fare increases and also involved student protests , was believed to have been caused by a Supreme Court decision not to proceed with corruption charges against various former ministers .
4 Australia 's national research organisation has said that the temperature jump could still have been caused by a natural variable .
5 On May 24 the navy reopened its inquiry into the 1989 explosion on the battleship USS Iowa after new tests cast fresh doubt on its original finding that the disaster had been caused by a suicidal gunner [ see pp. 36604 ; 37410 ] .
6 A car and the garage in which it was parked at a house in Filey Road , Scarborough were gutted by a fire thought to have been caused by an electrical fault on the vehicle .
7 A car and the garage in which it was parked at a house in Filey Road , Scarborough were gutted by a fire thought to have been caused by an electrical fault on the vehicle .
8 Sources said the explosion seemed to have been caused by an incendiary device .
9 Liver biopsy showed a predominantly T cell mononuclear cell infiltrate and although the possibility of lymphoma was raised it was considered that this may also have been caused by an inflammatory process .
10 If the damage has been caused by an insured peril covered under Part B e.g. fire damage , then the damage to the freezer would be covered under Part B — Household Contents .
11 Before dealing with these , Mr Fazio must first heal the wounds within the Bank that have been caused by the behind-the-scenes battle to succeed Mr Ciampi .
12 In her defence the artiste explained that this had only been caused by the persistent attention paid to her by mosquitoes that night .
13 I I 'm grateful I I I 'm winding up that we on this side we do believe that these additional six seats are very important because we believe that the European parliament elections are going to be very important and fighting them on these new boundaries with the minimum of delay in spite of the delay that had been caused by the government' incompetence , we regard as very important , we regard this debate tonight as very important to approve these orders because we can not so far work out whether the government will be fighting the er the whole campaign on the basis of back to basics while the E P P will be doing it on the basis of some other manifesto , vorsprung durch technik or whatever it might be , and they 'll be trying to merge those into two slogans of o of er vorsprung durch basics or or whatever it might be and this we do not know at all whether the government want to be part of Europe and whether their back benchers are gon na be willing to cooperate with the European peoples party or they take the money from the European peoples party but they do n't want to participate with them in the manifesto .
14 The brake problems had been caused by the front wheel bearings having mostly ceased to exist , sending the whole brake assembly in and out of alignment .
15 Menlo Park California-based Network General Corp is offering another system for its Sniffer Network Analyser : a new version will run on the Toshiba Corp T6400/DX2 colour portable running at 50MHz ; currently the new implementation supports only Ethernet , but Token Ring support is promised for the second quarter ; the move looks as if it has been caused by the chronic shortage of the Compaq Computer Corp machines that form the basis for the existing Sniffer systems .
16 This latter finding implies that the hypocholesterolaemia is unlikely to have been caused by the metabolic effect of an occult tumour .
17 And her hesitation had n't even been caused by the grim memory his words had stirred up .
18 The by-election for which no date has yet been fixed has been caused by the sudden death last month of Mrs Judith Chaplin , a former political adviser to the Prime Minister .
19 It has been suggested that their slow decline in the last I00 million years or so has been caused by the commensurate rise in diversity of filter-feeding bivalve molluscs , which ousted them from their former habitats .
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