Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [prep] the [num] months " in BNC.

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1 He admitted that mistakes had been made in the five months since he personally took over the government , especially in the slow pace of privatisation .
2 Mr Yeltsin admitted that mistakes had been made in the five months since he personally took over the government , especially in the very slow pace of privatisation .
3 France .......... 27 Home Unions XV .. 29 THE LIONS ' claws have not been drawn by the two months they have had apart since Australia .
4 Some US holdings have been sold in the six months and more stakes in UK companies capable of dividend growth in a difficult climate have been bought .
5 According to Indian Army statistics , at least 1,100 Indian soldiers and 2,200 Tamil fighters had been killed in the 32 months of fighting since the IPKF 's July 1987 arrival ; other estimates put the losses higher , and there had been an unknown number of civilian casualties .
6 More than 11,000 rabbits have been killed in the 12 months since the Shetlands council introduced the scheme , which is estimated to have saved acres of grass , cabbages and turnips .
7 But even without the blank cheques originally promised , enough has been achieved in the 22 months since the Socialists came to power to make sure French research will never be the same again .
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