Example sentences of "[been] [adv] [adv] hit [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For candidates with a more generalist knowledge , the market has remained very depressed in London and the South East , while the North has been less badly hit by the recession .
2 Prospective Labour MP for the town Alan Milburn said : ‘ Hundreds of people have been forced into dire straits because the town has been so badly hit by the Government inspired economic slump ’
3 He said 3i had always taken a long-term view and had not been as badly hit by the recession as the banks had because it had been cautious .
4 In summing up the potential of the hotel business in Sweden , Anders Falkman said that the hotel trade has been particularly badly hit with the introduction of 25% VAT rate for carpets .
5 It is now generally appreciated that Warner Bros had been particularly badly hit by the depression , largely because of the furious rate at which they had acquired movie-houses in the 1920s .
6 They have been particularly badly hit in the current recession , not having the cash reserves and greater bargaining power with the banks that larger companies have been able to draw on , to ensure survival .
7 Coal had been particularly hard hit by the continuing switch to gas as a fuel by the recently privatized electricity supply industry [ see pp. 38111 ; 38300 ] .
8 The fast-swimming Dall 's porpoise has been particularly hard hit in the North Pacific and hundreds of thousands of animals over the last 20 years have been entangled in the giant drift-nets of the salmon , squid , and tuna fisheries .
9 Social services departments have been very badly hit as the growing problems of poverty and unemployment add to the pressure of their work , and yet they have had to abandon services and cut back on staffing .
10 They know their families ' business or farming interests have been very hard hit by the political and economic disruptions .
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