Example sentences of "for [art] [adv] handicapped " in BNC.

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1 He spent the mornings reading , and the afternoons visiting for two charities , one of them a school for the physically handicapped .
2 Centres for the physically handicapped have traditionally taken the elderly , and youngsters finding themselves there after leaving school may feel their adult lives have ended rather than just begun .
3 With planning consent now received for an improved access for the physically handicapped and an extension to provide a parish office and toilet for the disabled , tenders will shortly be invited for the building works .
4 The 1850s also saw the establishment of schools for the physically handicapped and the ‘ mentally defective ’ .
5 Schools are major consumers of books , the National Health Services is the major consumer of drugs of all kinds , the personal social services are important clients of aids for the physically handicapped , and so on .
6 Gradually the idea of welfare work for the physically handicapped has become more professional .
7 The Elizabeth FitzRoy Trust provides small family homes for the mentally handicapped ; it also organises special holidays for the physically handicapped .
8 for the physically handicapped .
9 A VARIETY concert at Glengormley High School next week will raise funds for a local home for the profoundly handicapped .
10 Many existing maps concentrate on urban areas , but the National Register of Maps for the Visually Handicapped in London ( 071–873 2599 ) is building up a library of rural maps too .
11 The particular needs of children with defective sight call for a report on the child 's eye condition or cause of defective vision from an ophthalmologist , and a report is also requested from the educational advisory service for the visually handicapped .
12 They discovered that the numbers of such children attending special schools for the visually handicapped and those attending other kinds of schools , including integration into mainstream provision , were not grossly divergent .
13 The advisory services may also be responsible for pupils from their authority who attend special schools for the visually handicapped , especially in the case of residential placements .
14 Consultation can be made with the advisory service for the visually handicapped and the ophthalmologist will then usually refer children to the low vision clinic in the region or to an ophthalmic optician who specialises in low vision aids .
15 All our children need adequate resources in order to learn , and while working with such inadequate materials is difficult for the fully sighted , for the visually handicapped it is daunting .
16 A white paper is expected at the end of this month in response to the Griffiths Report , which recommended that authorities be given greater responsibility for the mentally handicapped .
17 A recent ( and the first ) report by the Social Services Inspectorate on day services for the mentally handicapped finds much to criticise .
18 Before discussing what form short and long term residential care should ideally take , it is important to note that local authorities have been extremely slow to provide any kind of residential care for the mentally handicapped .
19 Due in part to this continued policy of integration , the numbers of children attending special schools for the mentally handicapped are now falling .
20 ‘ The whole effect ( of the film ) was destructively negative , and there was no attempt to spell out constructively ways in which services for the mentally handicapped might be improved .
21 There have of course been many other television programmes which have touched on the subject of mental handicap , including series such as ‘ Let's Go ’ , a weekly series for the mentally handicapped launched in 1981 , and followed by a second series in 1983 , and ‘ Accident of Birth ’ , a series mainly for parents and people working with the mentally handicapped broadcast in early 1982 .
22 In a hospital for the mentally handicapped much of the nurse 's time is devoted to maintaining a safe environment for the patients and also helping them to understand and put into practice essential safety measures .
23 The two main beneficiaries are the local Sue Ryder Home and the Keighley Adult Training Centre for the mentally handicapped , but £2,500 was donated in 1986 to help start a special child development unit at Airedale Hospital .
24 Particular varieties of handicap bring their own specific problems , such as obstructions in the footway and crossing roads for the visually impaired , or dealing with crowds or directional information for the mentally handicapped .
25 The Creykes lived in Rawcliffe Hall until 1924 , when it became a hospital for the mentally handicapped .
26 I was , for my final seven years in Rotherham , working at a hospital for the mentally handicapped .
27 A REGIME of terror at a hospital for the mentally handicapped was described yesterday at an industrial tribunal .
28 A FORMER nurse accused of sexually assaulting residents at a hospital for the mentally handicapped has lost his claim for unfair dismissal .
29 I can honestly say that every audience I 've ever had has been very good , except , perhaps , for a school for the mentally handicapped we visited once where one or two started turning round and talking whilst I was speaking .
30 These arguments as to public reaction and " trouble " for the social worker apply only to what may be seen as more considerable reforms — the relaxation of strict sexual control in most residential institutions , a greater measure of sexual tolerance for the mentally handicapped , plainer recognition of the sexual needs and problems of earlier adolescence ( even pre-adolescence ) and so on .
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