Example sentences of "for [art] single moment " in BNC.

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1 He had not quietened down at all as he had grown older — far from it — and could not now be still for a single moment .
2 I have made it a point of honour to spare you moral blackmail of the ‘ Do you honestly suppose for a single moment that I would be capable of stooping to such beastliness ? ’ variety , and I shall not waver even at this supreme moment .
3 For a single moment , Charlotte stopped suckling the child .
4 It is impossible to describe an organization in behaviour terms ( i.e. processes ) other than momentarily because the processes are always changing ; but when we speak of the processes we freeze that dynamic interaction for a single moment , take a picture , and know that a moment later the picture will be different .
5 Katherine started awake , confused for a single moment , images of the dream in which she had shot John Lewis still vivid behind her eyes — except now when she raised the gun and pulled the trigger , it was her son who spun away , red blossoming on his shirt .
6 Not for a single moment .
7 Even for a single moment .
8 ‘ Not for a single moment would one want those days to return .
9 ‘ I did n't believe it for a single moment , darling , ’ she repeated earnestly .
10 And if you think for a single moment that there 's going to be a repeat of tonight then think again .
11 He had n't let up for a single moment , questioning , probing , searching for clues in her answers like a scientist searching for new bugs on a microscope slide .
12 You know rather than down to the line planning for every single moment of the day .
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