Example sentences of "it dawned on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The jump in share prices was comparable to yesterday 's but the euphoria quickly ebbed away as it dawned on investors that — in terms of the immediate prospects — not much had changed and what had changed was not entirely for the better .
2 Slowly it dawned on Alexander that the tension that he had first noticed was not of specific parts , as he had first presumed , but of himself as a whole being .
3 It dawned on Folly that she was waiting for a tip and , gathering what she could of her wits , she struggled out of bed to delve in her handbag .
4 It dawned on Loretta that the latter half of Bridget 's remark had been to do with Puddephat 's taste in footwear , not the object she was holding .
5 Gradually it dawned on Peter that Molland wanted more than confirmation of his decisions and to demonstrate his own honesty : he honestly believed that this numbingly tedious attention to detail was doing Peter a favour by distracting him from his grief .
6 It dawned on Nutty , reading the programme ( ‘ Start 9 am prompt ’ ) that they had none of them attempted to do the four parts of the competition all on the same day , and she wondered bitterly if she would still be conscious when the results were announced .
7 I do believe that then for the first time it dawned on people that Northern Ireland was a series of Catholic and Protestant ghettoes .
8 It dawned on Masklin later that the giving-out-food woman would n't have been able to see him .
9 Suddenly it dawned on Ramsay that this flag was considerably larger than that flown by the Regent .
10 They had perhaps three hundred yards to cover to the edge of the encampment ; and as they neared this it dawned on Ramsay that , of all things , the enemy had placed their horse-lines here at this western rim of their cantonment .
11 It dawned on Wycliffe that the room was smelling strongly of whisky , and that Miss Bond had probably hidden bottle and glasses while he was being received on the landing .
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