Example sentences of "with p p [letter] " in BNC.

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1 . We believe that for a structure plan to go forward now in the present state of policy guidance , bearing in mind that 's on the basis of P P G twelve and with P P G thirteen lying in the wings .
2 I if I can just remind participants of what we said in our original objection , that further justification will be required to demonstrate that the level of detail proposed in the deposited policy H two is not incompatible with P P G three and does not involve over detailed or unduly restrictive policy guidance .
3 I agree with the panel that the criterion should give greater emphasis to public transport , that must be in accord with P P G three and must be in accord with the emerging P P G thirteen .
4 Er it yes it it 's true to tell , gone on record on several occasions saying in terms of environmental capacity there 's the potential within Selby district to accommodate eleven and a half thousand dwellings , however I did later qualify those comments with reference to the emerging local plan , which is the main vehicle we 've we 've got for identifying potential development sites and the the qualification was that was that land is not necessarily available in in the right places , to enable us to make a a reasonable distribution for development in accordance with P P G advice , so that the question of a new settlement remains an extremely attractive option for Selby District , and as I mentioned this morning , in terms of whi we would be approximately eight hundred and fifty dwelli whi we would be approximately eight hundred and fifty dwellings short , in any case , erm
5 The second major issue which I believe had been used against the new settlement as a an appropriate Greater York area , is that it 's inconsistent with erm current recent central government planning advice , and basically the argument is that the proposals for the new settlement are contrary to er planning policy guidance notes three and twelve , and draft er P P G thirteen , if I can deal with P P G thirteen first of all , and the observation of Mr Curtis that the new settlement is a last resort , erm now I could find no reference to that at all erm in P P G three , or even a sentiment that at planning policy er that a new settlement should be regarded erm as a policy of last resort .
6 The proposal really is what er do you have a policy which is not in line with P P G guidance .
7 Er the difficulties with P P G seven and the countryside are exemplified in paragraph one ten which Mr Donson refers to as his guiding principle , in one single paragraph it manages to include three separate uses of the word countryside , wider countryside , the countryside and open countryside , indicating perhaps some of the difficulties in in erm identifying exactly what area it is that would be covered by a Policy E two .
8 I 'm sure those familiar with P P Gs will recall their purpose , moving people long distances from A to B.
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