Example sentences of "that she intended [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Although she subsequently indicated that she intended to institute divorce proceedings , the mother subsequently returned to Australia after the husband had paid a second visit to England .
2 She confirmed in writing to the company that she intended to return to work on 11 February 1991 .
3 The fact that she had implied that she intended to withdraw from the arrangement as soon as it was convenient did not matter , Jehan thought , unless Alexei 's character was to provide the excuse …
4 Fired with enthusiasm , she went on to say that she intended to go to Wickhams , the East End 's own department store , in the Mile End Road .
5 At least it got her out of his office without more lecturing , and when Glyn presented himself rather smugly she told him smartly that she intended to go to France and she intended to go alone .
6 Before Tamar could protest that she intended to call her son George , her mother-in-law looked up from the child .
7 Mr Sheffield said the note made it clear that she intended to take her own life and that she loved her family and daughter .
8 Initially , many believed that their retention would only be temporary ; they failed to understand , however , that Elizabeth herself saw the 1559 settlement as final , and that she intended to resist all pressure from her councillors , divines , and MPs to purify or reform these ceremonials .
9 Addressing the National Assembly on May 22 Cresson said that she intended to consolidate the strengths of the French economy , which she defined as " a strong franc , inflation under control [ and ] rigorous control of public spending " .
10 It would seem that she intended to pull him down — in itself a tall order — and so grabbed at the reins .
11 ‘ When she opened the hospice in June , she gave no indication that she intended to come back . ’
12 She was with a stranger and told friends that she intended to stay at the site as long as possible and then possibly go to Portsmouth .
13 However , Lucy managed to convey that she intended to stay for several days , or perhaps for even a week .
14 She told neighbours by telephone over the weekend that she intended to stay in Spain until the end of this month .
15 On Feb. 28 she joined the Supreme Council 's economic commission , although there were suggestions that she intended to stand in opposition to the administration of President Vytautas Landsbergis .
16 The announcement on the morning of 22 November of Mrs Thatcher 's decision to resign came as a dramatic surprise to the public because , up to that point , all the outward signs had been that she intended to stick to her initial resolve to contest the second ballot .
17 Not that she intended to wipe her hands of Suzie .
18 Instead he had found the poison pen letter that she intended to send to Jessamy .
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