Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] served as [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They included Nai Khin Maung , who had served as a member of the central executive committee of the Mon National League for Democracy , held since October 1991 .
2 , William Miller ( 1885–1974 ) , historian , was born in Aberdeen 1 October 1885 , the youngest child in the family of three sons and four daughters of the Revd John Macmillan , Scottish Free Church minister and schoolmaster , who had served as a missionary in India , and his wife Elizabeth Caid Lindsay .
3 One highly motivated recruit Stirling did manage to persuade to join him was Fitzroy Maclean , who had served as a diplomat in Russia before the war .
4 In the past Jeffries , who had served as a consultant to the New York state Department of Education during its efforts to revise the high school syllabus , had attracted controversy by asserting that blacks — " sun people " — were genetically superior to whites — " ice people " — because of the greater quantity of the pigment melanin to be found in blacks .
5 This I discussed at once with my Scoutmaster , who had served as an officer in the Gordons during the war and was now a schoolmaster .
6 The British ambassador in Paris , John Dalrymple , second Earl of Stair , a former general who had served as an ADC to Marlborough , soon revealed a natural talent for espionage .
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