Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] a [adj] interest [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Greeks were fond of using them for mounting on earrings , but it was the Romans who developed a passionate interest in pearls .
2 Of all the doctor factors examined , only doctors who professed a special interest in diabetes achieved significantly better glycaemic control .
3 However , the 56 ( 18% ) patients of those doctors who professed a special interest in diabetes had a significantly lower mean random haemoglobin A 1 value ( table III ) .
4 Adams was a kindly man who took a keen interest in his staff and his fellow men .
5 Lowther was a confirmed Londoner and absentee landlord who took a keen interest in the detailed affairs of his estate .
6 Robinson was an able engineer and administrator who took a keen interest in his men and their working conditions , especially those of locomotive footplate staff , whose spartan conditions he improved considerably .
7 ‘ He was a very caring person who took a great interest in the people in the business , he was very thoughtful .
8 One of the few surviving descriptions of the old house is by Dr. John Wallis who took a scientific interest in the extraordinary chimneys .
9 Dexter remembered that Blufton had a reputation as an executive who took a direct interest in the programmes his company made .
10 He said he had a friend who had a great interest in grandfather clocks .
11 Everyone agreed that this was a sensible decision , with the exception of growers from the more outlying districts , in particular the Midi , who had a vested interest in selling to Champagne and who would certainly be excluded .
12 Traditionally , county councils have been more preservationist-minded than many of their local district councils , often because their membership showed a higher proportion of large landowners who had a keen interest in preserving the countryside , even before concern for the environment became a fashionable issue .
13 It will be recalled that Section 37 of the Finance Act , 1969 provided for the ascertainment for the purposes of estate duty of the ‘ slice ’ of the property in which the interest of ; beneficiary who was entitled to less than the whole of the in come or who had a joint interest in property which was no income-producing subsisted .
14 ‘ Everyone who had a possible interest in your brother 's death must expect to be thoroughly investigated . ’
15 Zuwaya enthusiasts of the revolution did sometimes speak of the injustice of unequal distribution of wealth , but like those who attended the Intellectual Seminar in 1970 , they had difficulty in identifying any particular groups of Libyans who suffered as a group , or who had a common interest in pursuing distributive justice : in Benghazi they said , there were Libyan workers who were oppressed , or perhaps Tripoli .
16 Dr Schussler , who had a particular interest in physiology , considered that a number of diseases were due to a deficiency of one or more of these salts and thought that if a patient exhibited the symptoms of a remedy — for instance Natrum muriaticum — there was a deficiency of this salt in the patient 's body .
17 This would be ideal for any doctor who wished to be a clinical tutor , or who had a special interest in education .
18 There were two groups in East Africa who had a direct interest in discrediting Masai administration and suggesting that officials were ‘ soft ’ on the Masai : these were , most importantly , the white settlers who wanted Masai land for farming , and enthusiasts for wildlife conservation who wanted the Masai driven out of areas where their interests were believed to conflict with those of game .
19 We were very pleased and honoured to receive a visit from the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress , both of whom displayed a keen interest in our work and were even inveigled , by , into performing with the ‘ Dopple Kloppers ’ , being taught at that session !
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