Example sentences of "that [noun] act [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although this sounds silly , it happens quite often that contestants act with no regard at all for their own safety .
2 The trouble is that phosphates act as nutrients for green plants and the minute algae that grow on the surface of slow-moving water .
3 Because tasks in organisations are almost always interdependent , it is essential that personnel act in a calculable and predictable manner .
4 It is beyond doubt , he argues , and most psychologists and ethologists would agree , ‘ that animals act for the sake of goals , and that they may be conscious of their goals , in the quite literal sense that they may see or smell what they are after ’ ( 1975 : 19 ) .
5 Not only must we limit the scope of animal goals but we must also limit the sense of the claim that animals act for the sake of goals .
6 Anthropologists , following Evans-Pritchard 's lead , have reacted against this way of seeing primitive , or non-literate , peoples , and maintained that they do not act as they do for the same reasons that neurotics act in Western society .
7 We need an idea that can not be found there : that the community as a whole has obligations of impartiality toward its members , and that officials act as agents for the community in acquitting that responsibility .
8 In particular , we assume that firms act in a Cournot-Nash fashion , taking their competitors ' outputs as fixed ; i.e. .
9 The general data presented by Cox are undeniable , but interpretation of the data rests on certain assumptions , principally that people act on an individualistic basis rather than as groups , and according to attitudes expressed in the quiet of their homes rather than in response to major events .
10 Assuming that people act in certain ways , what is implied about prices , quantities held , etc' ? … the realism of the assumptions matters little .
11 For development , the importance of explanations at the molecular level is that genes act at this level .
12 In addition , the reflective characteristic of grid technique means that grids act as a kind of psychological mirror .
13 He also pointed out that evidence showing that PCBs act as immunodepressants is inconclusive .
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