Example sentences of "[ex0] has be [adj] progress [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There has been progress in design , but no progress in accomplishment , specifically because there has been equal progress in design on both sides of the arms race .
2 Apart from the agreements on ozone depletion , which reflected the urgency of the issue , there has been little progress towards global management of global issues .
3 However , although the Education Act 1981 shifted the emphasis in education from handicap to special educational need , based on assessment of curriculum requirement rather than on the child 's disability , there has been little progress in the integration of the handicapped in education .
4 There has been little progress in reaching agreement on harmonising excise duties , and serious negotiations on this issue are not due to commence until early in 1992 .
5 For , though there has been useful progress in bringing Co-operation to attention as a credible option , it remains in the United Kingdom , far more than in some western democracies , an exceptional way of undertaking an industrial venture .
6 Since that time I think that there has been great progress towards reconciliation and this has largely flowed from common sense and from a better understanding of the facts .
7 There has been great progress in recent years in this quest , but its attainment is still thought to be decades away and the cost effectiveness of this research is being increasingly questioned .
8 There has been considerable progress during the year on a number of aspects related to the cost competitiveness of the UK 's oil industry , progress in which the Wood Group has played a leading role in national discussions and , more importantly , in a wide range of initiatives and developments directly with our customers .
9 During the last ten years there has been considerable progress towards ensuring that thematic work is incremental , that undue repetition is avoided and that the skills , attitudes , concepts and knowledge of the integrated subjects are taught sequentially .
10 But in accounting , at least , Mr Aimetti thinks that there has been considerable progress over the past 10 years : ‘ With some adjustments , we are all following the Americans . ’
11 Over the past decade there has been enormous progress in our understanding of how cells use calcium to regulate their activity .
12 There has been some progress on the Museum .
13 Since the petition was raised , there has been some progress in this direction in the European Community , and I am pleased that the EC has been especially sympathetic towards the views of people like Mrs.
14 John Major and Albert Reynolds have said there has been some progress in talks on the future of Northern Ireland .
15 So we we may have to pursue that further but there has been some progress after all this time and expenditure of money and and time .
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