Example sentences of "to be restricted [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In March 1991 it won an important case when the strongly integrationist European Court of Justice condoned Brussels ' ability to rule on public service monopolies without the approval of EC member states , despite the fact that the Court 's principal legal adviser , the Advocate General , called for the Commission 's powers to be restricted under Article 90 of the Treaty of Rome .
2 You will , of course , continue to be restricted to the neighbourhood of Battalion HQ — no straying .
3 At this stage , services are liable to be restricted to those assumed to be at special risk' or whose circumstances warrant special priority ( p. 45 ) .
4 In the sluggishly expanding industrial labour market women have lost ground relative to men , and an important proportion of the women who must seek work because of inadequate earnings of the husband or because the family lacks a male breadwinner continue to be restricted to domestic service , street vending , and other marginal low-income occupations .
5 The Ukrainian Bolsheviks tended to be restricted to the eastern Ukraine ; they were therefore limited in their capacity to combat the Rada 's position by , for example , raising revolutionary peasant demands .
6 These chemicals are , by general definition , detergents although the term has now come to be restricted to a group of synthetic chemicals which have very specific effects the result of which is that dirt is taken into suspension in a stable form that allows it to be rinsed away .
7 Contrary to the general principles of distribution certain products may have to be restricted to named users who have special training .
8 This skin condition , caused by a large ‘ pox ’ virus , has been thought over the years to be restricted to children living in crowded , closed communities and adults who attend Turkish baths or indulge in all-in wrestling .
9 Indeed , for a long while the possession of a domestic clock or a watch tended to be restricted to the wealthy and was looked upon more as a sign of affluence than as a social necessity .
10 These systems may have to be restricted to passive use based on the extraction of information in well-defined forms .
11 Of course , engineers use mathematics extensively , but its use seems to be restricted to the final stages of the design process , such as for the detailed calculation of stresses in structures .
12 In April 1983 the law was changed to permit individual streets to be restricted to 30 km/h and a year later whole zones were allowed to follow suit .
13 In the first place , the informal modal meaning tends to be restricted to the grammatical environment of first person singular and present tense and in this respect to have limited productive generality .
14 The transitional or ‘ replacement ’ relief is to be restricted to periods before the first deemed disposal .
15 Thus , given the complexity of the legislation required to give effect to the other proposed amendments , the relief is to be restricted to this situation only .
16 The idea that modernity is problematic has caused sufficient anxiety about the modern world for its use no longer to be restricted to the universities and classrooms but to spill out into the everyday culture .
17 Our surveys indicate that such units would have to be restricted to dimensions appropriate to the Navigation .
18 Structural work had to be restricted to ‘ the minimum compatible with the provision of a reasonable standard of protection for the ambulant patients and the staff not required to remain on duty ’ .
19 For efficiency and confidentiality , the conference is expected to have a clear set of objectives , and to be restricted to those people directly involved with the child and the family concerned , and those who need to know about or have a contribution to make to the tasks involved .
20 By citizens and burgesses he meant the freemen of corporate towns , taking it for granted that his readers would understand that this privilege had in practice come to be restricted to the richer inhabitants — merchants , not working craftsmen .
21 access for update to be restricted to those authorized
22 Western traders allowed into Japan were to be restricted to foreign settlements and other prescribed areas , but were to have the benefits of extraterritoriality , i.e. they were not to be subject to the laws of Japan , but any misdemeanour or problem ( including those that concerned Japanese ) was to be dealt with by a court presided over by the consul of the country of the national concerned .
23 Charles and James would find that , despite the publicized openness of the modern Conservative Party , the lower middle class still tends to be restricted to the lower political positions ; even at a local level , power continues to be unevenly distributed in favour of the upper middle class ( Butler and Pinto-Duschinsky , 1980 ) .
24 Connected with these studies , though quite different in emphasis , is the rise of consumer protection and associated legislation , which is more concerned with the implications of goods , but tends to be restricted to functional efficiency and safety , rather than wider social relations .
25 They say that they are following this course because bookshops are essentially ineffective in expanding their market and that it is unreasonable for them to be restricted to selling their product to us alone .
26 Information flow does not have to be restricted to passing up and down the scalar chain , but authority should .
27 A combination of government secrecy and collective responsibility ( the notion that an individual member must not disagree publicly with a Cabinet decision ) have made it difficult to discover the extent to which cabinets are genuinely collective decision-making bodies , but a succession of leaks and memoirs , such as Richard Crossman 's ( Crossman , 1975–7 ) , has built up a picture of a committee in which genuine debate tends to be restricted to issues that come to assume major political importance for the government .
28 Clearly , such adjustments were likely to be restricted to relatively low levels of the bureaucracy because of the greater centralization of control at the upper echelons , but this probably applies to other systems as well .
29 It appears that most , if not all , trade unions offer some form of legal advice service to members although it is likely to be restricted to those matters which touch directly on employment .
30 In Denmark , for instance , there were technically three classes of train travel , but first class came to be restricted to the sleeping-car stock on international trains .
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