Example sentences of "of [noun] based upon " in BNC.

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1 This London-based institution undertakes the major responsibility of projecting a public image of solicitors based upon client service overriding the baser desires of self-interest .
2 and that was really a generic way , but then we refer to the point of claims of course based upon the bi-laws
3 When organizing an exposition of the subject , we can draw upon a vigorous intellectual tradition which established a unified law of contract based upon a remarkably small set of interlocking principles .
4 Systematic evidence from the US ( Hall 1980 , Hamermesh and Silk 1979 , Buzzell and Wiersema 1981 ) together with observations among British and European firms point to the success of strategies based upon product quality , good design , complementary services , innovation and brand awareness .
5 Although Lord Wilberforce in Reardon Smith Lines called for a review of cases based upon excessive technicality , his Lordship 's views are obiter and there is no doubt that he anticipated a definitive review of the question in future cases .
6 But Charles was not merely a defender , and while his ancestors had often been weakened through internal dissent among the Frankish nobility , he had total command and a clear field of action based upon considerable personal and state resources .
7 As these memoirs ( in which the element of self-defence based upon complete submission to the Führer does not contradict the apologists ' genuine belief in his power and the extreme personal devotion to him ) clearly suggest , Hitler 's own person gradually became inseparable from the ‘ Führer myth ’ .
8 Early human consciousness would have been a world of certainties based upon simple social conventions and the fact of being born irrevocably into a clear cut role in life .
9 We must develop a strategy of management based upon the known facts .
10 Where a marking procedure which is not specific to particular test items is employed , grading methods used are that : ( i ) Marks may be awarded by teachers exercising professional judgement about the quality of a piece of work based upon the experience of the teacher regarding the standard of work that has been achieved .
11 A statement of law based upon facts which either were not found to exist in the case or were found not to be material to the decision .
12 Rowntree tried to devise an objective definition of poverty based upon the minimum income required to maintain individuals in a state of ‘ physical efficiency ’ .
13 Through working the programme of recovery based upon the principles of the Anonymous Fellowships , there is gradual recovery of physical , intellectual , emotional and finally spiritual well-being .
14 In some cases geographers are adapting techniques , as in the use of soil micro-organisms as an indicator of the relationship between land use change and soil characteristics ( Maltby , 1975 ) and developing techniques with a great range of applications based upon magnetic susceptibility ( e.g. Oldfield , 1983a ) and dating using 210 Pb which is of great accuracy and value for recent sediments ( Appleby and Oldfield , 1978 ) , and particularly enhanced the study of lakes and their drainage basins ( Oldfield , 1977 ) and these developments are referred to also in chapter 6 ( p. 124 ) .
15 In hydrology , definition of the pathways of movement through the hydrological cycle has necessarily provided an important focus in studies by physical geographers but in geomorphology the use of concepts based upon energy-balance concepts has been less striking .
16 Most schools have a selection of resources based upon a white , ethnocentric curriculum , and publishers and producers still feel there is little market for anything else .
17 The more technocratic radical elite theorists see the legal system as part of the growth of elites based upon monopolies of knowledge .
18 One such was the proposed establishment of com-munities based upon occupational membership .
19 Beveridge ( 1911 ) refers to former evidence of trees based upon Gaelic place-names .
20 With that threat having been neutralized , argued Buchanan , it was time to return to a form of nationalism based upon protectionism , minimal government , an avoidance of foreign entanglements , and a defence of the " Judeo-Christian values " which formed the basis of US culture and which were in danger of being " dumped onto some landfill called multiculturalism " .
21 Many of the founders of sociology believed it would be possible to create a science of society based upon the same principles and procedures as the natural sciences such as chemistry and biology , even though the natural sciences often deal with inanimate matter and so are not concerned with feeling , emotions and other subjective states .
22 Laura would have approved of their aims , which almost a century later , stood as a beacon for her own philosophy ; they were ‘ to protest against the introduction of any fashion in dress that either deforms the body , impedes movement or injures health … and to promote the adoption according to individual taste and convenience of a style of dress based upon considerations of health , comfort and beauty and to deprecate the constant changes of fashion that can not be recommended on any of these grounds . ’
23 Among the peoples of the north the Yakuts were unique in having a way of life based upon cattle and horses which , like their Turkic language , betrayed their origins in the steppes of Mongolia .
24 MINIS , when properly developed , could identify and measure the performance of departmental cost centres , and thereby provide a potential for the comprehensive reorganization of departments based upon the principle of decentralization to managerially autonomous accountable units .
25 A dreary diet of lessons based upon textbook and worksheet is never going to inspire children to regard schooling with enthusiasm , nor will it provide the base on which a personal commitment to learning can be built .
26 To the east of the Elbe the western demand for grain and timber had helped create and then kept in place a series of societies based upon the feudal manorial order of lords and serfs .
27 Existing comprehensive schools in Coventry , for example , had successfully developed forms of organization based upon the ‘ house ’ — a unit in which a pupil would remain throughout his school career , and to which also belonged a group of teachers .
28 The majority of historians have approached the problem via a definition of fascism based upon the radical-nationalist ideas and distinctive ‘ style ’ of the Italian model .
29 Another range of measures based upon circulation data are designed to predict future use from past use .
30 He has a tacit code of conduct based upon the concept of respect , wherein if he is given his due , as man , as runner , as captain of the Olympic team , then he will respect you in return ,
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