Example sentences of "be attributed to their " in BNC.

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1 Again we can ask whether the special needs of girls are attributed to their biology or to a notion of femaleness which implies some form of cultural unity ?
2 Part of this independence must be attributed to their ownership of houses and schools , paid for directly by their benefactors , payers of school fees , or investment funds .
3 Mythical beings are reputed in most cases to be responsible for the art that can not be attributed to their own people .
4 A senior church leader suggested that offending by young people could be attributed to their sense of lacking ‘ a stake in society ’ .
5 These were groups in need of institutional care and whose need could not always be attributed to their own fault .
6 Much of the success , perhaps , was due to superb stage management , as in the organization of demonstrations , but the fact that the Vietminh emerged as leaders of Vietnamese nationalism may be attributed to their sheer ability as a revolutionary party .
7 However the high cost of closed-loop systems can be attributed to their small share of the market ; would closed-loop be any more expensive than open-loop if a comparable set of integrated circuit control packages was available ?
8 In other words , although the Formalists took a very important step in making language central to their definition of literature , their theoretical shortcomings could largely be attributed to their failure to extend a theory of language to other spheres .
9 The rapid victories of the Germans astonished their friends ; in part they acted ( like Sputnik later ) as an immense stimulus to scientific education , because the German victories were attributed to their science and their efficient schools .
10 The fact that women are less successful than men and are often financially dependent on them is attributed to their being less able .
11 Managers are often subtly portrayed as the more reasonable and responsible party , and greater authority is attributed to their views , while strikes are seen as ‘ problems ’ created by workers .
12 The success of the two movements was attributed to their association with the highly popular Havel and to the fact that their candidates included some of the most prominent ministers in the government of national understanding .
13 The loss of support for the Greens was attributed to their critical stance on unification , their internal divisions , and the espousal of environmental causes by the other parties .
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