Example sentences of "be less effective [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In reactors where there is a little organic matter , the fission products are trapped on clay minerals , but these have been less effective than bitumen — about 30 per cent of the ND has been lost and other lanthanides have migrated away from the core .
2 However , this legislation has been less effective than many of its supporters had wanted and most cases of discrimination against women which are taken before the industrial tribunals do not succeed .
3 The JSP campaign was generally felt to have been less effective than that which it had fought in 1989 .
4 ‘ farmers do not make the best Group Organisers : not because they are less effective but because they have insufficient time ’ ( this from seven respondents )
5 It is true that removal of radiocaesium by clinoptilolite seems to be less effective than by bentonite or a hexacyanoferrate II but this may well be because a zeolitised tuff has been used ( 40–60 per cent zeolite content ) , or that the clinoptilolite used is potassium rich .
6 And devolution might be less effective than it should be if , as could well be the case in Scotland for example , the support for one particular party was such that there was very little likelihood of a change of control at elections .
7 The use of a shotgun for rabbit clearance , as opposed to the fun of the occasional shot , continues to be less effective than the rifle and especially so when it is used by individuals rather than in conjunction with an organised rough rabbit shoot .
8 β Blockers may be less effective than angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitors in reducing microalbuminuria because they are less effective in reducing angiotensin II production .
9 Sadly , this treatment appears to be less effective than we would like .
10 The result will be less effective than would be achieved by a teacher in harmony with the unit ; indeed the contribution of the unit may have , on balance , been destructive .
11 In 307 cases the method used at conception was known to be less effective than one previously used by the same patient .
12 It was not an unhelpful intervention , Mr. Deputy Speaker , because one of the problems in dealing with the targeting of advertising is that advertisements aimed at adults will be less effective than the Minister may wish if they take account of the fact that children may be present .
13 Systems of formal warnings to control absence also seem to be less effective than the terms of the remuneration scheme .
14 Both truncated proteins lack the C-terminal nuclear import sequence and may therefore be less effective as homodimeric competitors , whereas the respective heterodimers with Myc are efficiently transported into the nucleus .
15 However , once the crisis passes they are likely to be less effective as most people want power to be shared , not a unilateral right .
16 It must be stressed that an exercise , such as the one mentioned is fundamental to the effective use of nursing manpower for it provides the foundation for subsequent decisions which may be less effective if handicapped from the outset .
17 For example , an office held at pleasure might nevertheless be subject to procedural fairness where the statutory scheme would be less effective if the right to be heard were not implied .
18 Twenty-five years ago , during a period of full employment , employers may sometimes have been right to assume that those who were unemployed or redundant were less effective than those who held down a job .
19 In the course of the 1950s , the first signs appeared that the tactics used by Franco since 1936 to stay in power — repression , appeals for unity , apocalyptic visions of Republican " chaos " , and himself as arbiter among fractious regime forces — were less effective than they had previously been .
20 It appears that the administration of exogenous PGs is less effective than endogenous PGs in raising the level of defensive factors .
21 Dry heat : This process is rarely applied as a means of disinfection as dry heat is less effective than wet heat .
22 Ideas that arise in Quadrant 4 may be very exciting to the person concerned , but be seen as trivial by those who have to implement them , with the result that the innovation process is less effective than it might be .
23 Previous studies have not shown that the heater probe is less effective than other types of endoscopic treatment , whose efficacy is already proved .
24 Slaked lime is less effective and quicklime is altogether too fierce .
25 The belief underlying such proposals is that many older people are only referred for treatment at a late stage of dependency when treatment is less effective and more expensive .
26 This is so particularly in the case of the House of Lords where the whipping system is less effective and where the cross-bench element is more important .
27 Mr. Ian Hunter , Secretary General of the Association of Optometrists , wrote in reply to the Minister 's letter : ’ To restart national health service eye examinations for the over 60s would now cost about £25 million but the cost for not doing so will be two or three times as much because eye disease will remain undetected until treatment is less effective and more expensive .
28 Modern siliconised tubes are less irritant than the old rubber catheters with the consequence that the walling off of the tract from the peritoneal cavity by fibrous tissue is less effective and more prone to leakage .
29 The modest resettlement programme in rural areas which aimed to improve the grossly inequitable distribution of land prevailing during the colonial period was less effective than had been hoped , and was cut back by the stabilization measures taken in 1982–84 .
30 In the same way that repression was less effective than twenty years earlier as an instrument of socio-political control against the anti-Francoist opposition , the spectres of the Republic and the Civil War were less useful as a means of holding the regime forces together .
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