Example sentences of "be perhaps significant that " in BNC.

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1 It is perhaps significant that there appeared to be more choice of newspaper than of television news .
2 It is perhaps significant that DES documents retained the concepts of breadth and balance , but dropped the notion of coherence in favour of two new concepts , relevance and differentiation ; these are , of course , very important curriculum concepts , but they are not the same as , or an adequate substitute for , coherence .
3 It is perhaps significant that the first reported comment by a United States court on the Convention concerned this very area .
4 It is perhaps significant that the last strike organized by the National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers was in 1923 and nearly bankrupted the Union ; although , having amalgamated with the Transport and General Workers ' Union in 1982 , farm workers may now find themselves in a better bargaining position .
5 It has been remarked that Spondylus shells resemble ivory and it is perhaps significant that ivory pegs with expanded terminals , possibly used for securing garments , were found together with shell ornaments in the Rhenish Flomborn cemetery .
6 However , it is perhaps significant that environmentalism received little attention as long as it was only the poor and the powerless who suffered from the detritus of industrial society .
7 It is perhaps significant that none of the last four Lord Chief Justices — Lords Goddard , Parker , Widgery and Lane — had been law officers .
8 It is perhaps significant that both have Norse names .
9 It is perhaps significant that both have Norse names .
10 It is perhaps significant that whereas Haycocks I eventually produced a DES Circular , this one was issued only as an ACSTT Report , endorsed by the Advisory Committee as a whole and over the signature of the Chairman of the Sub-Committee .
11 In this connection it is perhaps significant that the boundary between the parish and Snodland was the old track or Ridgeway , now largely destroyed by chalk quarries , which , keeping to the highest and driest line over the downs is thought to have formed the main east-west route at this period , crossing the River Medway at Holborough as Mr Margery suggested .
12 It is perhaps significant that stretching of the vortex tubes in Fig. 21.11 could be produced by the structure in Fig. 21.10 as well as by the mean flow , but this is a matter requiring further investigation .
13 And it was perhaps significant that after such a surrender , chief executive Venables was compelled to leave the comfort of the directors ' box to take his old place in the coaches ' dug-out .
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