Example sentences of "be no substitute [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There may be compensations for a loss of freedom but there are no substitutes for it .
2 Drugs are no substitute for real living .
3 All too often , however , such fittings and materials are not only historically inappropriate — stained tropical hardwood from razed rainforests , horse brasses and rows of unwanted Book Club volumes are no substitute for an original , atmospheric interior — but also pay scant attention to the history and development of each individual building .
4 ‘ The concessions made by Cabinet ministers in private consultations with government backbenchers are no substitute for public scrutiny . ’
5 Answers to such questions are no substitute for faith .
6 The politics of condemnation are no substitute for a real process towards peace . ’
7 He said that considerations of humanity are no substitute for prohibitive rules of international law and , by themselves , do not constitute evidence of rules prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons .
8 Even though they are no substitute for practical experience they can at least familiarise you with current terminology and introduce you to contemporary nursing philosophies .
9 With the monopolistic nature of the industry ( all works are unique ; the Beatles are no substitute for Bach , or the Beastie Boys ) , market segmentation is what shields record companies from price competition , even if they do not form a cartel .
10 Drugs are no substitute for a social support network , but social support alone is not always enough .
11 The view was expressed that YTP and JTP are no substitute for the creation of real employment for young people .
12 Therefore it is fitting to remember that such houses are no substitute for fair rent housing from local authorities or housing associations ( Clark 1981 ) .
13 Computer is no design panacea : Computers , now universally used in design work , have facilitated the process , but are no substitute for creative hard graft .
14 Photocopies or even originals of the News of the World , if they remain from last Sunday , are no substitute for evidence being placed before the Home Secretary so that appropriate action could be taken .
15 Unfortunately there seems to be no substitute for actually installing Windows on a hardware and operating system platform to find out how it 's really going to behave !
16 There can be no substitute for the courageous and difficult efforts of the security forces in upholding , impartially , the rule of law .
17 There can be no substitute for thorough preparations before a negotiation session .
18 It says Ralph and Denise are only too aware there can be no substitute for James but are beginning to hope that better times could just be coming .
19 One might compare the difficulty with that of trying to write rules for how one might indicate to someone of the opposite sex that one finds them attractive ; while psychologists and biologists might make detailed observations and generalisations about how human beings of a particular culture behave in such a situation , most people would rightly feel that studying these generalisations would be no substitute for practical experience , and that relying on a text-book could lead to hilarious consequences .
20 ‘ I know I 'm no substitute for either of the Julians , ’ she said at last , her tone carefully diffident , ‘ but if you would like me to come along ?
21 I 'm no substitute for an absent servant — ’
22 Makarenko made the important deduction that as the theories discarded at the Revolution had not been replaced by precise new ones , the abstract and muddled notions of officials like the education inspector were no substitute for practical self-help .
23 He was made aware that nuclear weapons were no substitute for the presence of frigates on station and infantry battalions on the ground in maintaining stability in Afro-Asia .
24 This minor affair underlined the Army 's contention that nuclear weapons and air power were no substitute for troops on the ground in the type of fighting in which Britain was likely to be involved as long as she remained a colonial power .
25 Exercises in a room were all very well , but they were no substitute for running every day .
26 Although she and Rune had exchanged verbal descriptions of their respective relations the previous evening , words were no substitute for flesh and blood .
27 There is no substitute for this kind of training .
28 But it is no substitute for social justice .
29 However , lively detail is no substitute for an integrated texture of the sort we have come to expect from the WNO chorus and orchestra .
30 MONEY , of , is no substitute for the loss of life or limb .
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