Example sentences of "be [adv] longer possible " in BNC.

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1 One school of thought argued that mobile , offensive operations were no longer possible and future wars would be more like the first world war than the second .
2 The question is whether the kind of dogmatic theology which Barth undertook is any longer possible or valid in ‘ a world come of age ’ , a secularised post-Christian culture .
3 Woe betide a Soviet regime which shoots Russian and Eastern Ukrainian miners , the elite of the working class in the supposed land of the proletariat , and does so moreover in an era when suppression of news is no longer possible and society is rapidly organising itself autonomously of the state .
4 What are things coming to if it is no longer possible to spend time sailing and taking part in other water sports without subjecting yourself to the risk of such symptoms as rashes and vomiting ?
5 Last night a group of small children sang ‘ L'Internationale ’ , uncertain about the words , out of tune , but with an authenticity and optimism that is no longer possible in Europe .
6 Today , it is no longer possible to imagine such a thing happening .
7 Duke never repeated that achievement , and now such a ride is no longer possible .
8 If your employment ends because of , say , revolution overseas , the contract may be regarded as frustrated , ie completely brought to an end by operation of law , because it is no longer possible for the contractual duties to be performed as you and your employer originally envisaged .
9 Quite simply , these are times when there is more healing to be done , more effort is required by the natural healing powers to maintain order or to put it slightly differently , it is no longer possible for a balance and harmony to be sustained without the production of symptoms of disease .
10 Under the will clearly Seius would be the trustee , but after the codicils this is no longer possible , since he is no longer a beneficiary under the will .
11 This then is not a true obligation for performance , because once the promise becomes actionable performance is no longer possible .
12 Service industries are now in a worse predicament than ever , because it is no longer possible to register even a business name in Britain .
13 For many Christians the world of faith is suspended in an uneasy limbo between complete ignorance ( which is no longer possible ) and sufficient understanding ( which is not yet attained ) .
14 Although , legally , partner status is no longer possible , the status of a ‘ partner equivalent ’ is used in practice .
15 He himself admits that both the continental staff and the locally recruited waitresses are skilful , but privately he regrets that it is no longer possible to find enough male British waiters , as he feels this would ‘ look better ’ .
16 One of the problems for garter carriage owners is that this is no longer possible .
17 David DuBon has had to battle with a notoriously difficult subject , and is not afraid to state the plain facts , such as : ‘ it is no longer possible to determine whether its present form is that of the original piece ’ ( Vol .
18 However , under the new rules it is no longer possible to use the losses of one spouse to cover the gains of the other .
19 It appears that a display upgrade is no longer possible with this machine .
20 it is no longer possible to think the process of the development of the different levels of the whole in the same historical time .
21 The argument is that just as direct democracy is ruled out by the size of the modern state , so too once companies grow beyond a certain size it is no longer possible to involve all their members directly in the decisions concerning the running of the company .
22 The museum director , Mr Murata , states that since French paintings have become so expensive today it is no longer possible for a museum to build a satisfactory collection of them , and therefore they have decided to collect British works , focusing on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century artists .
23 But that is no longer possible in the historical or old-established large nation- states .
24 It is no longer possible just to dismiss Darius as " unhistorical " .
25 In sum , it is no longer possible for English studies to rely upon traditional literary values , given current awareness of a history dominated by privatisation , sectarianism , and nationalism .
26 It is no longer possible to found a reputation for scholarship on being good at spotting allusions .
27 Scholarly impartiality is no longer possible .
28 Private life is no longer possible . "
29 It is no longer possible to either create a toner particle small enough to stick to a single pixel of charge or to maintain that pixel of charge in isolation long enough for the toner , were it there , to stick .
30 It is no longer possible to maintain a Little England attitude in the new European community .
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