Example sentences of "[am/are] [v-ing] na be [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Three hundred and seventy six in the redemption hymnal and whilst we 're singing this we 're gon na be taking up our morning offering .
2 So what we 're gon na be taking in and when ?
3 In about two or three weeks they 're gon na be digging up every inch of pavement and every inch they can get their hands on .
4 Well , they were perching on the erm chimneys of that one and then they 've been coming they 're gon na be swooping round up not actually low but above it , about fly to the bathroom then spread up , turning a circle , coming down and going past my window and land
5 getting fed up Okay just to finish up now , because we 're gon na be moving on in a minute .
6 I mean as long as it , as long as the graph is reshaped rather than the massive overspend cos at this rate , we 're gon na be spending out er three hundred thousand pounds over just on overtime er which we obviously ca n't afford to do .
7 we 're gon na be clearing out those , thank you the rest
8 With regard to the flats I mean , one o erm the flats have been up since the late sixties and erm now they 're gon na be coming down .
9 . This is you know , what we 're gon na be concentrating on next .
10 But I mean , your looking at a twenty , thirty year old now , who says I 'm gon na be packing up when I 'm fifty .
11 otherwise er I 'm gon na be skiving off .
12 Cos loads of us are gon na be getting back into like evenings when you 're really tired .
13 Erm what do you feel about the fact that those are gon na be coming down ?
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