Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [prep] a result [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This page and View from City Road , page 27 Exchange change : The end of the alpha , beta , gamma system of share classification , as well as a change in the International Stock Exchange 's working hours , are likely as a result of the Elwes committee 's review .
2 THE END of the alpha , beta , gamma system of share classification , as well as a change in the International Stock Exchange 's working hours , are likely as a result of the Elwes committee 's review of ISE working practice .
3 ( xii ) What job losses are likely as a result of this reorganisation ?
4 CORONER 'S REPORT , A-41563 : The head and face are deformed as a result of multiple fractures in the facial area .
5 The Palestinians , many of whom are desperate as a result of roots in the poverty of the refugee camps , hold few cards other than their determination not to be subdued and the ‘ armed struggle ’ through which this determination is sometimes expressed ; what they seek is recognition of some form of statehood on Palestinian soil .
6 Mild defects only shown up on sophisticated psychological testing are common in people with AIDS , or who are unwell as a result of HIV infection .
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