Example sentences of "have laughed at the " in BNC.

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1 Then , alone there in his room , I began to laugh , as I should have laughed at the time .
2 In Damascus he would have loved baiting Marwan , the AP reporter , with Nick ; at the Comedy Store he would have laughed at the idea of the song someone had written for him — ‘ The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Bullets ’ ; , and my début at live interviews would have provided another entry for his file of great lines .
3 In a happier moment , Maria might have laughed at the idea of Florian troubling to rescue anyone from anything .
4 You 've laughed at the MD 's jokes ( some were even funny ) and you kept schtum when the Chairman 's wife deliberately forgot your name .
5 She was about to tell him to be careful , but then she remembered how he had laughed at the idea that Gazzer could be dangerous , so she kept her mouth shut .
6 Her mummy had once shown her photographs of herself as a Brownie many years ago , and Angela had laughed at the funny straw hat and long frock she had worn .
7 He had laughed at the time , but the way his stomach was behaving now , he began to fear they had not been jesting .
8 Colt had laughed at the Captain and the men around him , laughed until they took out their failure on him with the most savage beating he had ever received .
9 Fast motion can be used to express erotic tension and desire , if the purpose is comic rather than romantic — if we had laughed at the romantic yearnings of Cecile or even Frankie , the film would be failing , even though the treatment of these themes is throughout as much comic as tragic — ‘ bitter-sweet ’ seems to be the compound word , or better still the mot juste is ‘ douce-amère ’ .
10 At the time she had laughed at the observation , but was n't that what she was doing now ?
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