Example sentences of "have benefited [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 ‘ AEA as an organisation has benefited tremendously from Mr Grewcock 's work .
2 Land Rover has benefited similarly from Rover 's clear-sighted policies .
3 Our knowledge and ability to treat pelvic-floor disorders has benefited enormously from the availability of newer diagnostic and surgical approaches .
4 The treatment of human and animal disease has benefited substantially from experiments carried out on animals .
5 The Woodhayne herd , established in 1984 , has benefited greatly from some top class foundation cattle and the influence of the bull Rousham Gulliver , a son of the prepotent Gorse Favourite .
6 This version has benefited greatly from the comments of Margot Jefferys .
7 The third , however , is both reliable and objective ; and furthermore has benefited greatly from the advancement of computer technology and a proliferation of textual resources in electronic form .
8 When I was in the north-east , there was particular concern among business men whom I met because the north-east in particular has benefited greatly from Japanese investment and it does not want investors to be frightened off .
9 The hon. Gentleman 's region has benefited greatly from diversification , not least because we have encouraged inward investment .
10 When my hon. Friend returns to his desk after the next election has been won by the Conservatives , will he bear it in mind that in the past 10 years west Lancashire has benefited greatly from being a development area ?
11 Colin Montgomerie finished one ahead of Olazabal after a last round of 70 and thinks he has benefited much from his four weeks in the United States .
12 Israel has benefited more from competition than co-operation between the superpowers in the region .
13 It has benefited especially from the growth in the liberalisation of air services and , as a result , three times as many passengers now use the airport as when the Government came to office .
14 Yugoslavia itself has benefited considerably from a few such direct investments from foreign countries , especially in the automobile industry .
15 The comparison between the canals and railways was most graphically drawn by Mr W.F. Martin of the Mountsorrel Granite Company , one of the companies that could conceivably have benefited much from an improved canal , when giving evidence to the Royal Commission of 1906 .
16 The researchers found that one-quarter really needed sheltered work of some kind rather than the informal craft and recreational activities which were on offer and that a further proportion would have benefited more from a social club of a less structured kind .
17 Today , he will have benefited greatly from hearing exactly what is the Government 's policy on renewable energy .
18 But I 've benefited enormously from having a stable , normal home life .
19 Increasingly the Scots were coming to feel that they had benefited little from the establishment of the new regime in 1689 , and as a result Jacobitism north of the border took on nationalistic overtones .
20 The exploitation of ethnicity may perhaps work as a form of primitive accumulation of cultural capital , but it does nothing to enlarge the audience or scope of such work , which is why most artists and writers of any stature have rejected this appellation , even if they have benefited indirectly from it .
21 It goes without saying that both sets of institutions have benefited enormously from this symbiosis : the former from its continued popularity and support and the latter from a continuous stream of royal copy which appears to ensure increased sales .
22 But the directors of the city 's art museums feel they have benefited enormously from ‘ WONDERS ’ .
23 Ironically again , French software and computer services companies have benefited little from direct government spending .
24 However , by no means all groups in the population have benefited equally from prosperity or from generous expenditure on social services .
25 ‘ Certainly , I have benefited financially from Amstrad and could now just walk away without personal financial worries but that is not my style .
26 This not being the case I have benefited much from the peace and quiet and from the fresh air .
27 Secondly , all the groups who are considered to be priorities by both the Government and the Opposition — low-income pensioners , low-income families and disabled people — have benefited significantly from what the Government have done in recent years .
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