Example sentences of "have resulted [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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31 How far the concessionary nature of the market has resulted in a failure to explore the real and potential needs of older consumers is shown in a recent study of leisure opportunities .
32 However , the gain in yields has resulted in a loss of conformation and there is now a hunt for suitable beef sires to boost the dairy herd 's waning meat production .
33 His first Philippines gasifier model was made in 1967 ; and through the 1970s his research has resulted in a series of models of increasing practicality , simplicity and cheapness .
34 The fact of union , coupled with its repeated reaffirmation , has resulted in a position where only a blind man could assume that the power of the Westminster Parliament to sever it was so well established in general acquiescence that none would deny the propriety of its exercise .
35 This has resulted in a work programme which will occupy the Committee through into mid-1993 , at least .
36 This distinction has been widely overlooked in modern missionary strategy to the extent that when a church has resulted in a particular country , it has been assumed that an adequate base for evangelisation has been established .
37 This has resulted in a great deal of mutual education , and most would not want to worship together any more regularly than that !
38 In the last general election it was encouraging to find where contest had taken place that enthusiasm for cooperative representation had been considerably increased , and in addition the opportunity of bringing before the general public the benefits of cooperation has resulted in a very material addition to the cooperative forces in the district .
39 Humanism has resulted in a hedonistic way of life which is turning out to be anti-intellectual and irrational — consider the works of Francis Bacon — or Sid Vicious .
40 In addition , greater life-expectancy , for which better health care is partly responsible , has resulted in a greater number of old people , which has created further demands on the NHS .
41 There have also been some very encouraging noises from the Pipe stable , which has resulted in a major gamble from 14–1 to 4 's over the last couple of weeks .
42 Clarins totally unique approach to tanning reconciles sun with youthful-looking skin and has resulted in a complete range of Multi-Protection Tanning Treatments with plant extracts .
43 In the joint-funded West Birmingham project , geological mapping at 1:10 000 has resulted in a new synthesis of sedimentation and structural evolution in the southern part of the Pennine Basin .
44 But the Wallabies ' World Cup campaign and ultimate victory has resulted in a nationwide level of rugby union interest which has never been previously registered .
45 Zidovudine given to people who have recovered from PCP or have a ‘ wasting syndrome ’ with other features of ARC , has resulted in a four-to six-fold reduction in expected mortality after nine months .
46 The compensating influences are the improved road to Shieldaig , a magnet for tourists , while the development of the oilrig installations on Loch Kishorn has resulted in a Klondyke-style boom in trade .
47 The resulting clash of styles has resulted in a forthright , moody range of sensations certainly capable of setting your teeth on edge , if not grinding away in your sleep .
48 We have just been advised that the study of the proposed L.R.T. system has now been completed , and that this has resulted in a proposal that the L.R.T. lines will only extend as far as Dundonald .
49 Such facilities , which include homely ‘ lounge ’ bar and restaurant areas , have not escaped the notice of the corporate world , where an increasing demand for ‘ staff awaydays ’ has resulted in a boom time for the clubs in this area .
50 This has resulted in a coherent and satisfying structure , with groups of works treating the same subjects from different decades juxtaposed to great effect — the sequence of fifteen landscapes , for example , is particularly impressive .
51 The Open Software Foundation 's recent wrestling with its internal structure , which is said to be occasioned by its continuing financial angst , has resulted in a reorganisation that separates OSF/1 , the operating system that was its original raison d'etre , from the other technologies to which it has put its name .
52 The invention of writing and particularly the attempt to create autonomous text has resulted in a realignment of the two primary functions of language .
53 An initiative between the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Franco-Japanese Society has resulted in a new building for French artists named the Villa Kyjoyama .
54 Boesky 's cooperation with the regulatory authorities has resulted in a number of other SEC investigations .
55 This has resulted in a pressure on general practitioners to admit more patients , an increased pressure on CCUs , and patients being discharged from hospital earlier , both because they are healthier sooner due to thrombolysis , and also because their beds are needed by new arrivals .
56 At the same time , it is hardly adequate to say that higher education is concerned only with reproducing inequality ; greater access to higher education has resulted in a growing number of women obtaining degrees and entering the professions .
57 This redistribution of income , backed up by a similar strategy on wealth , has resulted in a widening of class differences for the first time since 1945 .
58 This has resulted in a restaurant which serves the regional specialities of France to bemused locals .
59 The excessive and unrestricted use of pesticides has resulted in a worrying number of cases of acute and chronic pesticide poisoning among Central American peasants .
60 He believes that this estrangement has had a beneficial effect on his prose and that his fusion of English and French thought has resulted in a unique hybrid .
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