Example sentences of "have disappeared from the " in BNC.

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1 Many a player who had been highly thought of has disappeared from the tennis scene .
2 Talk of a policy U-turn or reversal , associated with Mr Heath from 1972 onwards , or of ‘ ungovernability ’ , so prevalent in the 1970s , has disappeared from the political vocabulary in Britain .
3 The all-over sole pattern has been found to be short of downhill adhesion and has disappeared from the market .
4 The village of Claythorpe , once quite large and with a railway passing through , has disappeared from the face of some modern-day maps and the railway has long since been dismantled .
5 Yet Leicestershire also has many parishes where the village has disappeared from the landscape , leaving perhaps only the manor house or squire 's hall and sometimes a forlorn and decaying church .
6 The horror remained on their faces , but for some reason he 'd disappeared from the scene .
7 The acid rain problem may have disappeared from the headlines but it is far from being solved .
8 That all this should have disappeared from the politics of the west creates deep unease at the elision of so many vital questions .
9 ‘ So you see , ’ she said , as she finished explaining that the sheets must have disappeared from the flat , ‘ I have n't got anything at all to back up my story . ’
10 Is this why the Unit and all its works seem to have disappeared from the records — because it was unthinkable that such a document should officially exist ?
11 Yet the people who were paid off seem to have disappeared from the jobs market . ’
12 With as many flats as a Parisian tower block and the ‘ pits ’ affording no more than a shove out of the sand , it was 16 days before the old fort hove into view 338Km after Algiers had disappeared from the rear-view mirror .
13 The last trace of cloud had disappeared from the sky .
14 If this had happened , and if one could state confidently that the Parliament of England had survived these events , albeit in an altered state , whereas the parliaments first , of Scotland , and later , of Ireland , had disappeared from the scene , then there would be some warrant for assuming that the law , customs , conventions and powers of the Parliament of England had survived , whereas those of the others had not .
15 The men had disappeared from the top of the scaffolding when she emerged into the street again .
16 Westmacott could not follow as he was under attack by the Bf109s , but the Controller later reported that the bomber 's ‘ plot ’ had disappeared from the radar screen halfway to Sicily , and Westmacott was awarded a probable .
17 Scholars continue to unearth new facts and new material : one of the most exciting events of the 1980s was the almost accidental rediscovery in Kraków , Poland , of a substantial number of major autograph manuscripts ( including The Magic Flute , the C minor Mass , and the ‘ Jupiter ’ Symphony ) which had disappeared from the Prussian State Library in Berlin during the Second World War , and which were feared lost for ever .
18 The fog had disappeared from the horizon and then little by little from the whole sky .
19 He seemed pleased that Slim had disappeared from the district 'cos Big Joe was never for tradin' in bairns .
20 Angelica now knew why Alina had disappeared from the terrace so promptly on the day that Walter Hardy had hooked out the dead dog .
21 Naturally , he would say , he had disappeared from the chateau ; he was scared they 'd pin the crime on him because he 'd done stir — time .
22 The French Corps des Galères was suppressed in 1748 ; and by the time of the French Revolution , except for the few maintained by the Spanish fleet and one or two in the navies of the small Italian States , galleys had disappeared from the sea which they had so long dominated .
23 The figure of the Judge had disappeared from the picture .
24 When Stacey was found , Mrs Queripel told police she had disappeared from the family 's flat in Birch Hill , Bracknell , after being sent to bed early .
25 When so much attention is paid to the vast power of multinational companies , it is perhaps wise to think of the numbers of international names that have disappeared from the scene , even during our own lifetime .
26 The reason for this decline seems to be twofold in light of the fact that families were much larger in Tennyson 's day ( he himself was one of eleven children ) , and that several dwellings have disappeared from the hamlet over the years .
27 At first the cuts are only occasional , but they become increasingly common until finally all signals have disappeared from the airwaves .
28 Whilst the Electoral Register remains the most reliable means of confirming the name and address of a credit applicant , tens of thousands of names have disappeared from the Register in the last year .
29 Expatriates have disappeared from the official positions in Latin America , much of Africa , and Asia .
30 Dynamism and tautness have disappeared from the enterprise .
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