Example sentences of "have disappeared [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the Dehra Dun Valley some 16 per cent of the forest cover has disappeared during the last 100 years ( J F Richards 1987 ) .
2 If indeed the sentence referred to has disappeared during the preparation of the final draft , its content is still explicit in the report .
3 Everything that made the album interesting and enjoyable ( quirky samples , ambience , humour , diversity ) has disappeared into the ether , replaced by mind-crushingly tedious , minimalist techno and weedy industrial wankcore .
4 On the way to Upper Halling we find that the names have come down to us unaltered , to our right we have Yew Tree Kill , which has disappeared into the chalk quarry , also the Vicarage Close , further on and still on our right is Foxes ' Hole , a name that has continued down to this day .
5 In the 1950s there were certainly many state bodies which could trace their history and internal structure back over generations but much of this has disappeared into the subsequent maelstrom of administrative change .
6 On a winter 's day in the Himalayas , once the sun has disappeared behind the mountains , the temperature drops dramatically .
7 Often the battle is lost , and many a seaside town has disappeared beneath the waves ( while others , such as the once-thriving port of Rye in Kent , have been left high and dry as the sea retreated ) .
8 ‘ This means a colossal amount of ozone has disappeared in the last few weeks , ’ Bill Jeffries , New Zealand 's Minister in charge of the Meteorological Service , said yesterday .
9 Often the title page has disappeared in the course of the centuries .
10 It was only recently a town that offered waged work for women , though much of that has disappeared in the past few years , and it was never a town that invited black workers .
11 Many a player who had been highly thought of has disappeared from the tennis scene .
12 Talk of a policy U-turn or reversal , associated with Mr Heath from 1972 onwards , or of ‘ ungovernability ’ , so prevalent in the 1970s , has disappeared from the political vocabulary in Britain .
13 The all-over sole pattern has been found to be short of downhill adhesion and has disappeared from the market .
14 The village of Claythorpe , once quite large and with a railway passing through , has disappeared from the face of some modern-day maps and the railway has long since been dismantled .
15 Yet Leicestershire also has many parishes where the village has disappeared from the landscape , leaving perhaps only the manor house or squire 's hall and sometimes a forlorn and decaying church .
16 and what they hope is that most it has sort of been has disappeared by the time it gets to us
17 No wonder she 'd disappeared into the wide blue yonder .
18 When the evening had ended she 'd disappeared into the pub toilet and from there she 'd disappeared , full stop .
19 The horror remained on their faces , but for some reason he 'd disappeared from the scene .
20 It is no good to tie up the property by a series of limited interests for as long as the law will allow , if the bulk of the capital will have disappeared to the Revenue authorities in the meantime .
21 Masters must have disappeared to the War , sixth-formers had their carefully laid plans disrupted overnight , and yet …
22 Brian Harley is no superstar and Froggy , although an excellent caddie , could well have disappeared with the money to his favourite distillery for a month .
23 He was too honourable : he should have disappeared with the rest of his men .
24 It would have disappeared in the morning .
25 He had n't come prepared , he was cold , wet and hungry and he just wanted to go home , go to sleep and forget about everything , hoping it will all have disappeared in the morning .
26 You did not have to rush and worry that it would have disappeared by the time you caught up with it .
27 Like all the gardens here , it took several weeks to put together , but will have disappeared by the end of next weekend .
28 The acid rain problem may have disappeared from the headlines but it is far from being solved .
29 That all this should have disappeared from the politics of the west creates deep unease at the elision of so many vital questions .
30 ‘ So you see , ’ she said , as she finished explaining that the sheets must have disappeared from the flat , ‘ I have n't got anything at all to back up my story . ’
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